Problem with slope=positive is that Ganglia treats those as counters and creates RRDs that support counter values instead of slope=both which creates "gauges". Now problem is that if you use slope=positive you have to send your counter values more often than gmetad polls gmonds ie. every 15 seconds or more frequent. If you don't there will be polling periods where counter value is the same which RRD will obviously interpret as delta of zero. Hence I avoid using slope=positive since it's usually trouble :-(.

On 09/20/2013 10:23 AM, Vyacheslav Artyukhov wrote:
Good day!

I'm new in ganglia and gmetric and I have an issue with them.
For my metric (jmx enqueue) I use gmetric twice: the first one with slope = 'both' and the second one with slope = 'positive'.
So, I have two diagrams on ganglia web interface. Absolute value of my metric (that is displayed in the first diagram, that has slope = 'both') increases by one every two seconds. But on the second diagram (that has slope = 'positive' ) I see values of about 50m. This confuses me. I expect to see the derivative on the second diagram. My metric increases by one every two second than derivative I expect is 1/2=0.5.

So, my question is - what does exactly gmetric send to ganglia when slope = 'positive'?

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