My $0.02 is that Grid of Grids (federation) is still a widely used feature
so we should attempt to fix it.

Nick -- do you still have another outstanding pull request to fix a bug in
federation?  If so, what's the hold up?  Just waiting for someone with
authorization to accept it?



On Sat, Nov 2, 2013 at 5:14 PM, Nicholas Satterly <>wrote:

> I have confirmed that this patch [1] broke writing of the root summaries
> for the top-level gmetad when in a grid-of-grids setup. What should we do?
> Revert the patch, attempt to debug it, or just log a github issue to track
> it for now?
> Regards,
> Nick
> [1]
> On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 12:40 PM, Nicholas Satterly 
> <>wrote:
>> Hi Illydth,
>> You might have missed that the pull request that added the break back
>> also added more logic to the endElement_GRID() function to fix
>> double-writing of the last cluster. So yes, that break is meant to be there
>> again. See
>> However, what isn't clear is why there is a new grid-of-grids problem. I
>> suspect that it relates to this pull request but I haven't been able to
>> confirm this yet. See
>> Regards,
>> Nick
>> On Fri, Sep 20, 2013 at 7:41 PM, Douglas Wagner <>wrote:
>>> So the last time I tried this upgrade thing (3.1.7 -> 3.4.0) I was
>>> getting no grid of grids information.  Ran across the fix with the help of
>>> others on the list and documented it here:
>>> So now I've upgraded from 3.4.0 to 3.6.0.  I have 2 new clients (RHEL6)
>>> that I'm implementing.  Went through the build process and built out RPMs
>>> for RHEL6.
>>> Turned on GMOND and I'm not seeing either of the two systems reporting
>>> into the associated GMETAD.  The Web Interface isn't updating with the new
>>> boxes.
>>> As I start going back through some of my past issues, I ran back across
>>> this where in 3.4.0 Grid of Grids was broken.  And when I check the
>>> reported file and problem again I see the same old code (the "break;" at
>>> the end of the first switch block).
>>> Is this broken again in 3.6?  or is this the correct code and I should
>>> be looking somewhere else for why my new RHEL6 clients aren't reporting to
>>> my GMETAD system?
>>> --Illydth
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