
Ad1: Users can find easily any metric in gweb. Just use "Aggregate graphs"
or "views" functions. If for some reason You'd like to completely switch
off some graphs you could simply cut not needed metrics o nodes by removing
those from /etc/ganglia/gmond.conf. You can also group metrics so users
could easily see only those they want (for example in
gweb/conf(_default).php - just read this whole file and set things the way
it feets your needs. Also remember that you could create your own web

Ad2: RRDs are greatly configurable regarding to storage needs. Just
reconfigure those in /etc/ganglia/gmetad.conf (section: Round-Robin

Maciej Lasyk

GPG key ID: 4FED49C5
GPG public key: http://maciek.lasyk.info/gpg_maciej_lasyk.asc

On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 10:55 AM, 酃點℡ <lqs...@foxmail.com> wrote:

> Hi  all,
>     I am a user of ganglia. When I used ganglia , most of the functions
> work fine, but there still some problems confused me:
>    1.  As all we known, ganglia web view so many metrics. Is there a way
> to cut some metrics that user don't care about  so that they can easily
> find the metric they want ?
>    2.  Ganglia stored the data into Round Robin Database,  as the time
> passed by , the file size of rrd storage grown up. So Is their a way just
> keep half of year data or only one month?
>    if anyone know anything about it , please answer me.  Thanks!
> Best Regards
> ------------
> Allen
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