I use modexample.so file given by ganglia tar file and change it by
writing custom code which read value from my file.

problem is that when I put newly custom module's .SO file which is
generated after compilation in /ganglia/lib directory and then restart
after this when I write gmond -m newly inserted custom metric is displayed.

I get the value of newly inserted custom value by

telnet 8649

and it result perfectly .

but when I open my Web interface for displaying graph . not found any
graph named "Random_number" or "Constant_number"

magic is that,
I remove my custom module .so file and put actually modexample.so file
into /ganglia/lib directory and restart gmond.
again i open web interface then value collected by my custom module is
displayed with graph under name of "Random_number"

 please help me out what is the problem ?

Yours Sincerely,
Ravindra A. Vyas,

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