
I'm a CSE student  from IIIT-D, New Delhi, India. I heard about your
organisation and after reading about the goals and motive of this
organisation, I'm very much interested in contributing to this organisation
as a developer. Not only this, I'm keen to contribute to* Open Source
Community* with the help of your organisation by participating in the
coming *GSoC 2015*. I'm a novice programmer and following are the skills I
posses till the present date :

*Skills I possess* - Python, C, C++, Java, HTML/CSS/Javascript, Linux

I'm new and doing it for the first time and taking into interest, my urge
to learn more and more, I will be highly obliged if anyone could guide me
along the procedure for the same and the skills required to work as a
developer for your organisation. Looking forward for you cooperation.

Kartik Gupta
Slashdot TV.  
Video for Nerds.  Stuff that matters.
Ganglia-developers mailing list

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