the ganglia monitoring core v2.0.3 is available for download from

here is the Changelog
   * increased the speed of the host security check for the XML port
   * added commandline options for almost all compile-time opts for gmond
   * added a --safe_host option to allow a host outside of the multicast
     channel to connect
   * now gmond strips all quotes (") from gmetric data to keep XML well-formed
   * improved the self-organizing behavior of the gmonds

running "gmond --help" will print the available commandline options...

Ganglia MONitoring Daemon (gmond) v2.0.3
  -h, --help
           this help message
  -v, --version
           prints the version and exits
  -c, --mcast_channel
           set the multicast channel that gmond sends/receives messages to
  -p, --mcast_port
           set the multicast port the gmond sends/receives messages to
           default: 8649
  -i, --mcast_if
           set the interface gmond is to multicast on
           default: first interface e.g. "eth0"
  -x, --xml_port
           set the port gmond will answer XML requests on
           default: 8649
  -s, --safe_host
           specify a host outside of the multicast group (
           that is still allowed to connect to the XML port
           note: only ip address (not hostname) is allowed

i hope you'll find that these commandline options will give you more
flexibility in setting up gmond.  most of all the options are
self-explanatory but i want explain more about the safe_host option.

the "-s, --safe_host" option...
to understand this option you need to understand the gmond security model.
previously, the XML port on gmond would only respond to requests from
localhost ( and any hosts multicasting on the ganglia channel.
now, you can use the --safe_host option to add a host OUTSIDE of the
multicast network.  this is helpful is you want to grab data from a remote
gmond that you cannot multicast to.  this option will allow you to link
together multiple clusters across unicast routers.  in future releases, i
will have a zlib option to compress XML output with a common dictionary to
reduce the XML output significantly.

brent chun and i have also begun the work of bringing together all the
pieces of the ganglia execution environment into a release.  some
highlights of the execution environment include: open XML interface,
authentication using a single RSA key pair (no user keys to manage!  the
signing agent passes user credentials across unix domain sockets ), rich
API for developers, load-balancing and global process table built on
ganglia monitoring core, fault-detection and more.


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