Today, D'Onofrio Florindo wrote forth saying...

>  Dear Sir, 
> I'm Florindo D'Onofrio. I'm a student of Computer Science of the
> Benevento's Unisannio University (Italy). I have found your e-mail in
> the Ganglia Cluster Toolkit v2.1.2, Monitoring Core Documentation. My
> teacher has fixed me the task to install ganglia on a cluster, which
> composed by 8 computers connected to a central computer. 

I'm curious.  Is installing ganglia part of a class assignment?  Does 
everyone in your class install it or are certain people assigned different 

> I have tried
> to install the toolkit following, step by step, the documentation, but
> there has been this problem:
> Cannot continue because of these errors:
> Invalid element in GANGLIA_DOC XML   
>  How can I resolve this problem?

You are installing an old version of the client v1.0.3 (I think).  Version 
1.0.4 does not have that problem.  You can download it from...

Let me know if the update does not solve your problem (but I'm pretty 
certain that it will).

> I have installed gmond on the server and relative clients, and Ganglia
> PHP/RRD Web Client only on the server. The installation of the toolkit
> ganglia is explained in the second section of the documentation: in
> particular Ganglia Monitoring Daemon (gmond) Installation in the
> section 2.1 and Installation of the Ganglia PHP/RRD Web Client in the
> section 2.2. In regard to this I want to ask you 2 questions:
> 1.      Does gmond have to be installed on a server and on each node in the 
> cluster?

Yes, you need to install gmond on every node on your cluster including the 
web server.  

NOTE: If you don't want the web server machine to show up in the 
list of machines then start gmond with the "--mute" flag.  This will make 
the gmond on the web server listen and process traffic without 
multicasting it's information.

> 2.  Does Ganglia PHP/RRD Web Client have to be installed on a server
> and on each node in the cluster?

The ganglia PHP/RRD Web client only needs to be installed on your web 
server and no where else.

> Have you got a more detailed documentation? Could you send me it?

All the documentation for ganglia is at

Good luck!

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