matt massie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Today, Brian Messenger wrote forth saying...
> > Yes, a friend asked about this,  another person replied with this:
> > 
> > "There have been complaints about Ganglia occasionally going into heavy
> > CPU use and it is a known bug.  I am not sure if it has been fixed.  I
> > saw some stuff on it a few weeks ago."
> the person who was having the problem was running version 2.2.3.  i've
> only seen one complaint about it so if anyone else on this list has
> problems which gmond sucking up a lot of CPU please let me know.

When I got here today I was met by a somewhat irritated coworker who
had shut down gmond (2.5.0) on our 200 node cluster due to excessive
network and CPU utilization. I haven't looked at it yet, though.

Leif Nixon                                    Systems expert
National Supercomputer Centre           Linkoping University

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