Oct 17, Michael William Knop wrote forth saying...

> A few questions about Mr. Wagner's explanation of gmond's metrics:
> > cpu_user
> > cpu_system
> > cpu_nice
> > cpu_idle
> > cpu_wio
> > cpu_aidle
> Concerning the "Percentage of CPU cycles spent..." metrics; is that since
> boottime or since the last reading?

since last reading (which is around 10-20 seconds apart).

> > bytes_in
> > bytes_out
> > pkts_in
> > pkts_out
> Same question for "Number of bytes/packets..." metrics; since boottime or
> last reading?

since last reading

> > mem_buffers
> > mem_cached
> > mem_shared
> > swap_free
> > proc_run
> > proc_total
> > disk_free
> Concerning these "Amount of/Number of..." metrics; is this an instantanuous
> reading or an average since the last reading? It would seem silly for them
> to be averages since boottime...

that's right.

the only metric which is measured since boottime is cpu_aidle ( CPU 
Absolute IDLE ) which is the % time since boot the CPU has been idle.  i 
guess technically sys_clock is measured since boottime too.  :)


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