Well, this is a new one - at least for me.

One of our clusters was rebooted last week, due to a physical
relocation. Now the ganglia XML data doesn't contain any mention of
the cluster frontend, even though gmond is running fine and responding
to the XML data port:

    nixon $ telnet grendel 8649|grep -i "host name"|cut -c -60
    Connection closed by foreign host.
    <HOST NAME="g10" IP="" REPORTED="1047377023" TN=
    <HOST NAME="g11" IP="" REPORTED="1047377026" TN=
    <HOST NAME="g12" IP="" REPORTED="1047377029" TN=
    <HOST NAME="g13" IP="" REPORTED="1047377026" TN=
    <HOST NAME="g1" IP="" REPORTED="1047377032" TN="0
    <HOST NAME="g2" IP="" REPORTED="1047377029" TN="3
    <HOST NAME="g16" IP="" REPORTED="1047377022" TN=
    <HOST NAME="g4" IP="" REPORTED="1047377025" TN="7
    <HOST NAME="g5" IP="" REPORTED="1047377023" TN="9
    <HOST NAME="g6" IP="" REPORTED="1047377031" TN="1
    <HOST NAME="g8" IP="" REPORTED="1047377028" TN="4
    <HOST NAME="g9" IP="" REPORTED="1047377022" TN="1
    nixon $

The frontend used to turn up as "g0".

The same behaviour is presented by ganglia 2.5.1 and 2.5.3. I've run
gmond for a while with debug enabled, but nothing in the output seems
alarming to me. Anyone who wants to take a look can find the log at:


What blindingly obvious mistake am I making here?

Leif Nixon                                    Systems expert
National Supercomputer Centre           Linkoping University

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