Adeyemi Adesanya wrote:
Hi There.

I spent some time digging through the archives but I am unable to find a way
of running gmond as a non-root user on Solaris. Is this out of the question
or is there some way to patch the code? All of our critical servers run
Solaris, that¹s where the real action is and that what I'd like to monitor.

Unfortunately, not all of the information that the Solaris monitoring core collects can be gathered through a warm and fuzzy API (as far as I could tell, anyway). Many metrics had to be gathered by peeking at the kernel memory and symbol table, both of which require superuser permissions.

It's entirely possible that the kstat API has been extended (or that I just plain didn't RTFM thoroughly enough) and that all of these calls can be handled that way. In which case, the first person to point this out volunteers to rewrite all my spaghetti solaris.c code. :)

Good luck!

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