hello denis-

the "part_max_used" metric is derived by walking through each partition and finding the one that is most full and reporting that. so it's really that "maximum percent used on one specific partition". the "part_max_used" metric is really used as a warning that a partition is closed to filling up.


On Jan 23, 2006, at 11:00 AM, Hancock Jr, Denis C. wrote:

I have looked in the online documentation for a description of this metric, and googled for it as well, but I am still not clear on what it is and how it is interpreted. The closest I can get is that it is the “maximum percent used for all partitions”.

Could someone point me to some documentation for “part_max_used”. It seems to correlate with an issue that cropped up over the weekend.


Denis C. Hancock, Jr

System Administrator, Research Support Computing

200 Telecom

Columbia, MO 65211

573 882-1722


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