> error message:
> Jan 24 17:24:18 localhost /usr/sbin/gmetad[30443]: RRD_update
> (/var/lib/ganglia/rrds/production/raiden-8-db1/users.rrd): conversion
> of
> 'min,' to float not complete: tail 'min,'
> This seems to relate to a recent change I made that I had forgotten
> about.  :)  I added the following line to my crontab:
> */2 * * * * /usr/bin/gmetric --name="users" --value=`w | head -1 |
> awk '{print $6}'` --type=int16
> The purpose of this line is to create a graph representing the number
> of
> logged in users to the host.  it seems right to me - do any of you
> see a
> problem with this line?

 actually, on my system (FC4) your command results in:

$ w | head -1 | awk '{print $6}'

 which is not really what you want to put into that metric :-)
Apparently yours seem to report "min," which would be "$4" on my
system. The number of users would be "$5". Maybe different versions of

 Hmm. Weird. Just played around with the setting of "LANG" and not the
command reports "load" instead of "users,". Really weird .....


Martin Knoblauch
email: k n o b i AT knobisoft DOT de
www:   http://www.knobisoft.de

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