--- Vladimir Vuksan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> matt massie wrote:
> > you need to install the cygwin sunrpc package which is not
> installed by
> > default during the cygwin install...
> >   
> That was it.
> I still wasn't able to compile 3.0.4 (xdr_create? can't be find)  
> however 3.0.3 compiles with no problem.

 could you be more specific on the error message? Is it compile time,
or link time? There is no such thing as "xdr_create". Maybe
> Who is the person that packaged it initially since 3.0.3 corrects the
> Wait CPU issue ie. instead of showing 100% idle shows 100% Wait CPU.
> Also it may be nice to include gmetric.

 Hmm. What package are you refering to? There is no "official" windows
(cygwin) binary distribution.


Martin Knoblauch
email: k n o b i AT knobisoft DOT de
www:   http://www.knobisoft.de

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