Ben Hartshorne wrote:

> I created a ramdisk when my cluster grew beyond ~50 nodes (I report a
> lot of extra statistics).  I use an actual ramdisk instead of tmpfs
> (though I chose it out of ignorance when I first set it up, wikipedia[*]
> says that tmpfs might swap to disk whereas ramfs is just straight up in
> memory, nothing fancy).  

I initially used ramdisk as well, also out of ignorance. Ran into 
stability problems with it.. once I tried allocating more than 1GB to 
the disk I started getting system crashes and out of memory errors 
(system had 4GB physical memory).

Once I switched to tmpfs it became rock solid. tmpfs has the added 
advantage of being easier to configure.. no editing kernel boot 
arguments, just pass mount the options you want and it does it all for you.

Ramdisk is probably better on a busy system where you don't want risk  a 
bunch of swapping, but on a dedicated gmetad host I reccomend tmpfs.

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