>From: Ramon Bastiaans <ramon.bastia...@sara.nl>
>To: Cameron Spitzer <cspit...@nvidia.com>
>Cc: "ganglia-general@lists.sourceforge.net" 
>Sent: Fri, February 26, 2010 9:14:58 AM
>Subject: Re: [Ganglia-general] replaced a host, new host not seen
>On 02/26/2010 02:46 AM, Cameron Spitzer wrote:
>>Bernard Li wrote:
>>Same hostname too I presume?  On gmetad, your hosts show up with
>>>hostnames, correct?
>>Yes, same hostname.
>>Is it perhaps showing up in the gmetad/web by it's IP address in stead
>of it's hostname? That might indicate a DNS/hostname issue.
>>Also make sure the newly replaced gmond host is not set to "mute" in
>the gmond.conf
>>>Telnet from the master to the new host gives an XML document, same as
>>>>the old one.
>>>What I would test is telnet (or nc) from master to _another_ host and
>>>make sure that it has metrics from the "new" host.
>>I don't understand that at all.  Host A is running gmetad.
>>>>Host B (gmond)  is not getting graphed, even though it sends XML.
>>>>Hosts C through W are working fine.
>>>>How would telnet from A to C tell me what's wrong with B?
>>When using multicast, all other gmond's contain the information of the
>other gmond's. Since you are using unicast that is not the case here.
>>would host C know anything about host B?
>>>>Should any gmond host have information about all the other gmond hosts?
>>>>In any case, the telnet output is the same from B and from C.
>>>>There is no reference to any hosts in it.
>>Are you using multicast (default) or unicast?\
>>Is the route from gmond host B to gmetad host A set correctly? Perhaps
>the gmond traffic is getting sent over the wrong interface.
>>When in doubt I tend to use tcpdump myself to verify the traffic is
>getting sent.

 Also, just to better understand the situation, what is the exact setup? Is one 
of the "gmond"s designated as a collector? Or do all "gmond"s carry all metrics 
from all hosts? Which "gmond" is queried by "gmetad" (snippet from config 
file)? You should telnet/nc to that "gmond" and check whether it has current 
metrics from "B".


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