On Jan 12, 2011, at 3:12 PM, Jesse Becker wrote:

> In light of the recent discussions over metadata and unicast vs.
> multicast, we (meaning "Bernard") have created a poll on
> http://ganglia.info/ to try and gauge the use of each.  Please let us
> know if you use multicast, unicast, or both in your environments.
> If you have any comments about using one or the other, 

We used multicast for a long time because it's certainly easy, and ganglia is 
something multicast is well suited for.

But as the years rolled on, firewalls got involved, people became concerned 
about memory and network usage, and subnet privacy was eroding.  We started 
getting other departments' machines mixed in with our machines, and this caused 
all kinds of confusion on both sides.

Migrating to unicast eliminated the firewall issues, means only a select few 
machines have to keep metrics in memory, and no more cross talk with other 
groups. I never saw any solid evidence that ganglia was putting an unfair load 
on systems, but it was easier to reconfigure than fight it.

So the reasons to switch were mostly political.

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