On Jun 8, 2011, at 8:25 PM, Alex Dean wrote:

> Hi Seth.  I'm just back from a week off the grid, and trying to get caught up 
> on a mountain of electronic stuff.  Here's my quick response.  Please let me 
> know if more explanation is required.

Nope, the explanation makes sense. The only thing I was missing was detail 
about the philosophy behind the privileges system. 

> Editing views is not per-cluster permission because views can contain graphs 
> from many clusters.  Currently, we only support a single 'edit' permission 
> for all views.  (A user can either edit all views, or can edit none.)  You 
> can't selectively grant edit permission on a single view.  That restriction 
> could possible be lifted in the future if there is demand for it.

It's my primary motivation for updating to the new interface, actually. 

I don't know how typical my environment is, but I'm taking care of machines 
belonging to many different experiments. Users like to have their resources on 
their own web page, and not see nodes they don't care about. Traditionally I've 
dealt with this in gmetad.conf, moving machines between clusters or making new 
clusters based on the whims of scientists. It works, but is kind of a pain.

Being able to set up admin accounts and let the users arrange things to taste 
via a web page would make everyone happy.. I don't have to babysit ganglia, and 
they don't have to wait for me to update ganglia.

Fortunately, it's pretty easy to modify the access checks to allow this 
behavior, so if I'm a minority case, I can patch where needed. I just wasn't 
sure if I was using the ACL system properly.


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