On Oct 27, 2011, at 7:03 PM, Daniel Burbano wrote:

> At the end, I started gmetad and get ganglia web page without graphs,
> just only information text of the server.

While logged into trini2.uniandes.edu.co:
 'telnet localhost 8649' will show you what gmond knows
 'telnet localhost 8651' will show you what gmetad knows

If gmond has no data, try starting it with a higher logging verbosity (globals 
debug_level = 10 in gmond.conf).

Try your system logs to see if gmetad is having trouble writing RRD files.  
Maybe permissions or path issues.
Try your Apache error logs to check for PHP (gweb) errors.  Maybe the path to 
the rrdtool binary is incorrect.

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