Can you get rid of conf.php. Conf.php is loaded after conf_default.php for overrides.


On Tue, 16 Oct 2012, Ghassan Elnajjar wrote:

1)  Attached text files of RRD Files for one of the client nodes:

2) conf.php:  Note:  Let me know if you'd like to see the conf_default.php 

#: /webtools/htdocs/ganglia: ==>cat conf.php
# $Id: conf.php 2011-05-04 145707 mperzl $
# Gmetad-webfrontend modifcations for AIX.

# define the gweb home directory
$conf['ganglia_dir'] = dirname(__FILE__);

# Where to store web-based configuration
$conf['views_dir'] = $conf['ganglia_dir'] . '/conf';
$conf['conf_dir'] = $conf['ganglia_dir'] . '/conf';

# Default color for single metric graphs
$conf['default_metric_color'] = "0000ff";

# Default metric
$conf['default_metric'] = "cpu_used";

# Graph sizes
$conf['graph_sizes'] = array(




   # this was the default value when no other size was provided.

$conf['default_graph_size'] = 'default';
$conf['graph_sizes_keys'] = array_keys( $conf['graph_sizes'] );

# Colors for the CPU_USED report graph
$max_unique_colors = 30;

$unique_color[0]  = "ff0000";
$unique_color[1]  = "00ff00";
$unique_color[2]  = "0000ff";
$unique_color[3]  = "ffff00";
$unique_color[4]  = "ff00ff";
$unique_color[5]  = "00ffff";
$unique_color[6]  = "bb0000";
$unique_color[7]  = "00bb00";
$unique_color[8]  = "0000bb";
$unique_color[9]  = "bbbb00";
$unique_color[10] = "bb00bb";
$unique_color[11] = "00bbbb";
$unique_color[12] = "b22222";
$unique_color[13] = "adff2f";
$unique_color[14] = "ff1493";
$unique_color[15] = "f0e68c";
$unique_color[16] = "dda0dd";
$unique_color[17] = "8a2be2";
$unique_color[18] = "880000";
$unique_color[19] = "008800";
$unique_color[20] = "000088";
$unique_color[21] = "888800";
$unique_color[22] = "880088";
$unique_color[23] = "008888";
$unique_color[24] = "ff4500";
$unique_color[25] = "90ee90";
$unique_color[26] = "7b68ee";
$unique_color[27] = "aaaaaa";
$unique_color[28] = "87ceeb";
$unique_color[29] = "daa520";


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