On Oct 22, 2012, at 5:18 AM, Bostjan Skufca wrote:

> Hi,
> there is a way to query gmond headnode for any data, I use it, it works well.
> My question is: is there a way to query local gmond instance for local data, 
> without it being a headnone?
> Further explanation of context:
> Currently data is being collected by gmetad, which is connecting to headnodes 
> to retreive it. Non-headnodes use unicast to send data to headnodes. Works 
> quite fine.
> On top of this, there is monitoring with nagios which connects to gmetad and 
> queries it for various data.
> There are two drawbacks to this mode:
> - as number of nodes increase, load increases on gmetad and monitoring host, 
> linearly
> - there are three service dependencies, local gmond, headnode gmond and 
> gmetad. If any of these fail, metric ceases to be monitored and results in 
> warning. This dependency setup is a nightmare to manage, especially if you 
> have to manage more than one cluster of servers, which has its own headnodes 
> and its own gmetad server.

Hi Bostjan. Have you considered adding multiple head nodes to each unicast 
cluster? This would remove the single points of failure you describe.

1. Each node in the cluster reports its metrics to 2 (or more) nodes.
2. gmetad.conf lists all of these head nodes in the data_source line. If the 
first gmond stops answering, gmetad will try the next one w/ 0 service 

> I would like to replace current setup with NRPE call + local gmond query ON 
> the machine being monitored, to shift the work to the machine being monitored 
> (except for TCP connection to NRPE, of course, but this is lightweight 
> compared to previous solution). This also eases the dependency management in 
> nagios, because the only dependencies are local to the monitored machine - 
> nrpe and gmond.
> Thank you,
> b.

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