On 10/22/2012 02:18 PM, Adrian Sevcenco wrote:
> Hi! I am a little bit lost on the subject of making grids of metads ..
> how can i do something like :
> gmetad1      gmetad2  (that take data from theri gmonds)
>   \             /
>        gmetad3 <----- gmond of this machine that takes different other data
> Also the hierarchy of grids and clusters is made at gmetad or gmond
> level? did i understood correctly that gmetad just define data sources
> (gmonds and gmetads) but the exact hierarchy is done at gmond level?
> But if yes, where comes into play the "gridname" ?
> Also, what can i do for taking all data for the other metads not only
> summary data?

Hi! I have other questions about gmond and gmetad :
Is it posible that a gmond to be datasource for multiple gmetads?
i would want something like :

gmond_wn_1 ... gmond_wn_n
    \             /
     \           /
      \         /
        gmond_frontend_1 ---->  gmetad_frontend
           gmond_central ----> gmetad_central

is this posible??

Thank you!

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