Ok so check your gmond.conf and make sure that send_metadata_interval is
higher than "0" (60 for instance). From the manual:

send_metadata_interval (integer_value in seconds):

Establishes the interval at which gmond will send or resend the metadata
that describe each enabled metric. This directive by default is set to 0,
which means
that gmond will send the metadata packets only at startup and upon request
other gmond nodes running remotely. If a new machine running gmond is added
to a cluster, it needs to announce itself and inform all other nodes of the
that it currently supports. In multicast mode, this isn’t a problem,
because any
node can request the metadata of all other nodes in the cluster. However,
in unicast
mode, a resend interval must be established. The interval value is the
number of seconds between resends.

Maciej Lasyk

GPG key ID: 4FED49C5
GPG public key: http://maciek.lasyk.info/gpg_maciej_lasyk.asc

On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 8:52 PM, Stas Oskin <stas.os...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 9:32 PM, Maciej Lasyk <mac...@lasyk.info> wrote:
>> Multicast or unicast?
> Unicast.
>> Btw - we're not continuing this on ganglia-general? ;)
>> Sorry, copied.
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