I beleive that you're looking for 'cpu_num':

<METRIC NAME="cpu_num" VAL="2" TYPE="uint16" UNITS="CPUs" TN="910"
TMAX="1200" DMAX="0" SLOPE="zero">

Maciej Lasyk

GPG key ID: 4FED49C5
GPG public key: http://maciek.lasyk.info/gpg_maciej_lasyk.asc

On Sun, Nov 24, 2013 at 5:10 PM, Adrian Sevcenco <adrian.sevce...@cern.ch>wrote:

> Hi! Can somebody give me and hint/info about how can i extract the
> number of cores from hosts from the gmond xml output? (what metrics
> exactly i must read)
> Thanks!
> Adrian
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