TGIF greetings to you all.  Attached please find a copy of the promotional flyer for the upcoming Budget Blitz event.  Thanks again to all of you who have indicated support.  Now we just need to fill the room!  Please do send me a quick reply e-mail today or early next week to alert me of where you will agree to hang and/or distribute some of these flyers so we don't duplicate effort.  Personnel-wise, I could use one more person to staff the registration table and one more person who will pass out handouts and such to the participants as needed.  Other than this, the greatest need is publicity.  We will handle getting the media there, but I need as much help as I can get to work on getting the word out to our various constituencies. (Craig, can you send this along to the on-line democracy folks for me?  Thanks.)
Thanks in advance for helping to make this a success. 
Suzanne Belongia
Director, Parish and Community Social Action Office
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Winona
Box 379
Winona, MN  55987
507-454-2270 (ph)
507-457-3527 (fax)

Attachment: BudgetMeetingFlyer20031.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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