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  GARNOME | general | Ver: unspecified
           Summary: 'showdeps' sucks heaps
           Product: GARNOME
           Version: unspecified
          Platform: Other
        OS/Version: Linux
            Status: NEW
          Severity: minor
          Priority: Normal
         Component: general
        AssignedTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        ReportedBy: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
         QAContact: garnome-list@gnome.org
     GNOME version: Unspecified
   GNOME milestone: Unspecified

So, I added pygtksourceview and changed the LIBDEPS for gedit in SVN trunk,
which now depends on the rewritten gtksourceview and its new API. Good. Got a
little paranoid about recursion and quickly checked it. Or so I thought...

The 'showdeps' hog went on and on. While it literally was burning my CPU, I
checked the LIBDEPS in head, coming to the conclusion there can not possibly be
a recursion. However, 'showdeps' just didn't terminate. Getting freaked out, I
developed a few tricks to inspect the deps tree live, while it still was being
generated. 'showdeps' was kind of stuck in gnome-python-desktop. Still no
recursion, though...

Eventually, after way past an hour (going from memory here) it *finally*
terminated. Leaving 2.6 MByte of redirected output behind, no less than *73010*
lines (read: deeply inspected LIBDEPS), for a total of 91 distinct garballs it
depends on...

The reason simply is, that 'showdeps' is dumb, empty-headed. For each LIBDEPS,
it descends into all LIBDEPS, no matter if it has been there before or not.
Some of them have been evaluated more than 5000 times. Something that *never*
will happen when building, because GAR keeps precious cookies.

To fix this, I implemented a version of 'showdeps', that never reports any
garball twice, effectively resulting in a tree that shows the exact build
order. Attaching a patch in a minute.

This implementation returns after no more than 15 *seconds* for gedit (rather
slow HDD, no state of the art CPU). And actually reports a total of exactly 92
lines (including this garball, too). Compare that to 'showdeps'. Seriously,
just try it, run both.

Downside: It creates cookies...

Comments, thoughts?

Sidenote: Cures any problem mentioned in bug 358126, too.

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