How can this not be considered a lack of institutional control?  And if so, 
particularly given their history, what possible reason could the NCAA have for 
not really sticking it to these cheats?

Go Gators!!!!

Ken B. (NYC Gator)

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-----Original Message-----
From: Steve McKibben <>

Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2009 11:25:50 
To: <>
Subject: [gatortalk] Re: F$U's Outcome is EVEN MORE imminently imminent now,
 right Jay.....

to the Times, the NCAA’s report, which this afternoon will be released
to the public, says, “Had no vacation penalty been imposed, the
scholarship limitations would have been more stringent.”

This makes no sense to me.  The only one hurt in this is Bowden, who may be 
forced to concede the all time wins record to Joe Paterno now.

Were the athletes, academic advisors, or administrators that were tasked to 
oversee the athletic department punished? Not so much. 

Recruiting is the lifeblood of a college football program. If the NCAA had 
wanted to make FSU feel the sting for it's cheating, to make them really regret 
their actions, and to send a message to any other programs that might be 
tempted to use the same shortcuts, they would have imposed scholarship 
reductions (such as the ones UF endured in the mid 80s) that would have hurt 
the program's ability to be competitive for a number of years to come.

Considering that FSU was in a sticky situation of its own doing by having the 
clock ticking on a payout to coach in waiting Jimbo Fisher if he wasn't named 
the head coach by 2011, while at the same time being in the awkward position of 
not wanting to fire the man who made their program, the NCAA may have done them 
a favor. 

Having some of his ill gotten victories taken away may convince Bowden to give 
up  his stubborn pursuit of the all time victories crown, and if he steps down 
(after the obligatory farewell tour in 2009) FSU will not only not have to pay 
the lump sum to Fisher, the program will finally be able to begin the 
post-Bowden era and get the breath of fresh air that it certainly needs to be a 
player on the national stage again.

Color me disappointed that the NCAA once again proved to be a paper tiger.

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