Cee: She was both, wasn't she?
If I recall my ancient history correctly, she was in the movie Fame, and sung the title song (with the line "I wanna live forever . . . .") And she sang the most popular song to come out of Flashdance. What a Feeling was the main line, and maybe the title (not the other popular song to come out of that movie "She's a Maniac.") After that, I think she was never heard from again. Anyway, we better go back to talking about Gator sports; I never even saw the movie Flashdance. As the character Jim Ignatowski -- from the old television series Taxi -- once said "I do have my moments [of mental clarity], but they don't come without a price." By the way, this stroll down Memory Lane has reminded me that we haven't heard much from Leon. I hope he is okay. Go Gators!!!! Ken B. (NYC Gator) Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed -----Original Message----- From: "Cecilia" <gator...@bellsouth.net> Date: Tue, 7 Jul 2009 22:25:17 To: <Gatortalk@googlegroups.com> Subject: [gatortalk] Re: [gatornews] [SUN]: Well now isn't that special?Carvey to headline Growl (7/6 2242 - Crabbe, Nathan) Irene Cara wasn't Flashdance. She was Fame. :-) I missed Helen Reddy, and I'm glad. LOL. Cee ----- Original Message ----- From: jn...@gatorzone.com To: Gatortalk@googlegroups.com Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 7:44 PM Subject: [gatortalk] Re: [gatornews] [SUN]: Well now isn't that special?Carvey to headline Growl (7/6 2242 - Crabbe, Nathan) It is for the Blue Key producers. They need to not offend their future employers. Many alumni still consider Growl part of indoctrinating their young into Gatorhood. And the kiddies can't see Mommy & Daddy laugh at the vulgar jokes. I know one Blue Key alum who had a limo driver on call to take his 15 yo daughter and her friends away from Growl when the comedians came on for a frat/sorority row tour. And that was 2 years ago! Ken is right, Bob Hope was invited back because he was so well received the first time. The problem was he was filming it for a TV special and he actually asked the audience to react better as he repeated jokes. And repeated, and repeated. Then he chastised us for not singing along with his guest, Irene Cara (Flashdance). The TV crew was getting the audience singing along, but Hope & Cara could not hear that mid-field. They did hear the BOOS after Hope's berating of the audience. One of my friends got married the day of Hope's second appearance. They had the Hilton suite next to Bob Hope. They said he was on his balcony for several hours post-Growl asking his producers why he could not hear that the audience was laughing and singing along. (What a wedding night memory...) The worst Growl ever, in my opinion, was Helen Reddy. I've only missed one since 1963. (I think it was Howie Mandel.) -JNene On Tue 07/07/09 11:45 AM , John Vega zebu...@gate.net sent: On Jul 7, 2009, at 8:04 AM, Shane Ford wrote: Gator Growl has featured current and rising stars over the years such as Bill Cosby, Jay Leno and Jerry Seinfeld. A raunchy Robin Williams in 1982 caused outrage among alumni, leading to the choice of an aging Bob Hope the following year. Sloan said Carvey is a choice that alumni can trust not to be vulgar. Hmm. As an alumnus, I'd be thrilled to listen to Robin Williams; vulgar or not. Is this really the same concern that it was in the 80s? -Zeb --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ GATORS: ONE VOICE ON SATURDAY - NO VOICE ON SUNDAY! 1996 National Football Champions | 2006 National Basketball Champions 2006 National Football Champions | 2007 National Basketball Champions 2008 National Football Champions | Three Heisman Trophy winners: Steve Spurrier (1966), Danny Wuerffel (1996), Tim Tebow (2007) - Visit our website at www.gatornet.us -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---