The key is there are 25 diagnostic symptoms they are looking for, not just
how are you feeling.  The medical professionals have been around Tim enough
to know if he is his normal self, regardless (or is that irregardless?) of
his answers.  That combined with observational data on other symptoms will
lead a go, no-go decision.
I think some of what Dr. Cantu said about distinguishing the symptoms of a
concussion from the flu (or upper respitory ailment) are the key.  Tim was
hit square in the chest, which could have knocked the breath out of him,
couple that with getting hit on the back of the head and a mild concussion
might appear to be more severe.  Only time will tell, but I would bet on Tim
playing at LSU.
Two things that bother me about this whole situation, one being Ben Volin of
the Miami Herald who is reporting all kinds of supposition as fact. He has
stated several times that Tebow was out for over 2 minutes, this has not
been confirmed by anyone.  He also has reported that Tebow answered every
question on the sideline "I don't remember", I have watch the TV broadcast
several times and while I am not an expert lip reader, I don't see him
saying that at all.
The other thing is this whole debate over whether he should have been in the
game. If he doesn't get injured are we talking about this at all?  And who
has the margin of lead vs. time left in game chart to show where it is safe
to take out your star player?  Why is no one harping on Mack Brown at Texas
for leaving Colt McCoy in the 3rd quarter with a 50-7 lead?  Simple, because
he didn't get hurt.
The play Tebow got hurt on isn't inherently dangerous to the QB, the QB just
needs to make a quick read.  He either throws the quick slant or rolls right
for a run.  Tim held the ball too long on the slant and that allowed him to
get hit.  It was just a football play with a terrible outcome, but could
have happened in the first quarter of the Troy game or the 3rd quarter of
Ken K


From: [] On
Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 1:36 PM
Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Would you play Tebow at LSU or make him rest?

Problem is - I am not a medical doctor.  
I would be very conservative.  If it means we lose games - but Tebow
recovers more fully - I have no problem with that.  Tebow is too special of
a person to rush back into football and risk problems later on.  
What I would do is to get at least two or three expert doctors opinions.
And probably go with the most conservative opinion.  
Have his family involved in the decision.
I guess my point is - take the decision away from Tim himself.  I am afraid
Tim would rush things.  
If you consult 3 doctors that are experts on sports concussions and they all
three agree that Tim can play at LSU - and Tim wants to - then I'd let him
play.  But if one doctor out of the three suggests holding him out - I would
probably hold him out.    

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [gatortalk] Re: Would you play Tebow at LSU or make him rest?
From: Steve McKibben <>
Date: Tue, September 29, 2009 2:26 pm

So what do you suggest?

Not trying to give you a hard time, but how do you think it should be

If you don't believe him when he says he's OK and he always says that, do
you just retire his jersey right now?

Do you make him answer all questions with his hand on a bible?

Do you ask the medical staff what their opinion is?

Or is there some other way that hasn't occurred to me yet?

--- On Tue, 9/29/09, <> wrote:

We know that tebow keeps telling Meyer he is okay and we find out there were
major injuries later. 

How do you know if Tebow is being 100% truthful with doctors and not just
telling them what they want to hear?

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