Good points ...
is this conservative play calling because Adazio is our new offensive coordinator and OL coach?  If Gonzales (WR coach) were our OC - would we see a lot more passes? 
If we were mixing the run and pass more - I would feel more comfortable.  I would feel that we were more unpredictable. 
Our OL is great, and probably better than most other DLs.
My concern  is - (1) injuries for our OL are starting to mount and (2) can our OL blow holes in a great defense like Alabama? 
Demps, Rainey, and James are great one on one with DBs - I am still not convinced that they can run through takles at the line of scrimmage.  If the OL blows huge holes and gets them past the LBers - then great.  Otherwise it is usually lost yardage. 
Moody, Chris Scott, Gillislee - I think could break most of the tackles.  But we rarely see Moody and never see the other two except mop up duty. 
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [gatortalk] Monday morning procrastination
From: "Ken Kirkley" <>
Date: Mon, October 12, 2009 11:14 am
To: <>

- Great weekend of football, don't know yet, but I think I went 1-11 in pick'em.  Getting closer to Oliver's point of view that it is a stupid game...
- Great win by the Gators, all the focus was on Tebow, but really this was a defensive win. 
- Me thinks that the coaching staff was a little too conservative.  I wonder if we were 4th or 5th in the polls, would we be exerting our dominance on teams this way?
- While I've been called a mother before, I definitely had a different point of view on Tebow getting hit.  When the first hit came, I thought great, now he has that out the way and can start playing like Timmy!
- I like Danielson, think he does a great job.  Yes he has his talking points, but he is still better than the rest.  Who else would you want doing our game? (and Mic Hubert isn't allowed)
- Greg Doyle is a tool.
- Why can't we see Moody get more touches?  I thought this was the perfect game for that to happen, but on 3rd and short he is on the side...
- Anyone think Less Miles is claiming a moral victory for staying within 10 of the Gators?  That is what separates the true contenders from the pretenders.
- While I appreciate our ability to run the ball at will, we need to make the downfield passing game work.  We had receivers open, but kept throwing the short passes for the most part.
- Love the 'slingshot' move our receivers use to get open, but they will get called on that soon.
- Les Miles won over the refs with his rants.  The Center is allowed to move his head as long as he isn't simulating the snap.  The refs allowed Pouncey to snap his head to the left for the entire first half and then called the penalty on the second play of the second half (while letting another defensive encroachment penalty slide on the 1st down).  The refs were cowed by Less.  And regardless what the announcers said, this didn't slow our O-line down because Pouncey simply changed his head movement to up and down instead of sideways.
- Don't like the stomping of the logo at all.  We have derided SOW and Scum for years for these antics, let us not do that.  I get that we gather at midfield and the jumping is not so much a taunt but youthful exuberance, but we should gather in front of our fans or at the 30.  It just looks bad to do it at fifty.
- Red zone play calling is atrocious.  I know we shouldn't criticize after a win, yes we have a top 10 offense, blah, blah, blah.  When we get to the red zone, we shut it down, it is almost like watching an NFL game.  I don't know offhand what our red zone percentage is this year versus last, but I bet it is a lot lower in terms of TDs scored.  Yes, we are missing Harvin (or is it Harvey) and Murphy, but they weren't our primary red zone targets.
- Does anyone else feel that Tebow is throwing worse this year than he ever has?  His delivery hasn't changed and that is fine, it is what it is.  While every now and then he throws a nice tight spiral, it seems that many of the balls he throws, especially the deep throws come out wobbling.  Could he still have shoulder issues?
- Feels great to be 5-0.  Ugaly lost and that is always good.  If Kitten had to win an SEC game, no better way than to blow out Ugaly!  This basically gives us a two game cushion for the SECE with 5 to go.  Not a bad position to be in.
- Homecoming will be a great game.  We will need some offense in this one as the Arky offense is for real.  I don't think they will be able to score at will, but wouldn't be suprised to see them put up 16-20 points.  My early prediction UF 31 Arky 13.
Ken K

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