Helen - I'm glad to hear that you're in!

Potato salad would be great.

Four hours before kickoff there will probably be some parking available, but 
obviously I can't say for sure.

Randy may bring the GatorNet banner, but just in case, look for a Gator canopy 
right next to the picnic table directly across the street from the bat house. 
There will also be a black Weber kettle grill and a blue Ford Expedition nearby.

As of right now, I have my family of four, Randy L and his daughter, Leon and 
Paula, Helen, Randy P. (not sure if he's planning to eat or just driving by for 
a brief stop), and a couple of friends of mine from North Carolina.

Anyone else?

---  Helen Huntley wrote:
I have just worked out a plan for getting to Gainesville earlier so I can join 
the gathering. I expect to get there about 3 p.m. and will bring a side dish. 
What's your pleasure? Potato salad? Baked beans? Pasta salad? Something else?
Steve-Will you have the GatorNet banner so I can find the tailgate? At four 
hours before game time is there likely to be a parking spot in your vicinity? 
I'll be by myself. 

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