Yep. You start firing folks too quickly, you wind up like UT.  

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----- Reply message -----
From: "Robert R. Williams, PLS" <>
To: <>
Subject: [gatortalk] My Two Cents.....PLUS!
Date: Mon, Oct 31, 2011 2:13 pm

0-10-1, I try to forget.
Good post, we gave Zooker time and should the same for Will.  I'm a little
down about the last two games, really should have done better.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Joseph
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 5:06 AM
To: GatorTalk
Subject: [gatortalk] My Two Cents.....PLUS!

 While I don't post here often,I do follow what is posted.I have many
"face-to-face" discussions about the Gators,and after reading recent
posts,it's time for me to be "heard" from.
 I've been a Gator fan for 41 of my 48 years---my Dad started me as a
fan as soon as I could talk,but I really began following the football
team around 7 years of age.I try to keep up with all the Gators.Guys
and Gals.From the Bass fishing to hockey,I'm pulling for the Orange
and Blue!
But let's "talk" football......
 Some of you state that you aren't an "entitled" Gator fan,but you
sure sound like one!What's wrong??Can't handle a few "bumps" in the
road??Are you a "BANDWAGON" fan??Coach Muschamp is in his first year
at UF and some of you are ready to show him the door!Granted,the team
is playing poorly and we've been handed our butts in several games
this year.We rise,we fall.It's happened BEFORE!Let's hope it won't
happen too often in the future!Don't be like some fans north of the
border('Bama/Auburn) who don't have Christmas because their team lost
to the other.....
 I "officially" began my Gator years with Doug Dickey(he doesn't list
EVER having been at UF on his resume!)Then it was Charlie Pell(0-10-1
ring a bell??);Galen Hall(probation);Gary Darnell(3-4 and Freedom Bowl
fiasco);Steve Spurrier(the Choke at Doak);Ron Zook(6 losses at the
Swamp;couldn't beat Miami);Charlie Strong(Peach Bowl loss);Urban
Meyer(0-2 against Auburn;2 Nat.Championships;QUIT,came back;"MAILED
IN" his last year of coaching).It's not like EVERY game went our way
during their coaching stints!We went through "growing pains" then,and
we're going through them now.Coach Muschamp has several handicaps to
overcome--injuries and transfers to name two.Nine have left since he
hired on;not to mention that Meyer didn't exactly leave alot of
depth,either.We only have 72 players on scholarship!Coach Muschamp is
installing a more pro style offense/defense,so it will take time to
get the right players to run them.Let's see what the team looks like a
couple of recruiting classes from now.
 I'm not by any means giving Coach Muschamp a pass----there are plenty
of problems right now.I believe that Weiss is not using all the
available weapons on offense and is predictable on occasion---when was
the last time Trey Burton threw the ball from the "Wildcat?"Teams KNOW
he'll run.Ol' Charlie seems a tad slow to adapt the game plan within
the game.Seeing the game from the coaches box may help,but he's got to
speed up the play calling.We spend too much time going backwards!The
line can't power block;no power backs.(Gillislee is hurt)No running
game.No experience backing up John Brantley--we found out just how
"green" our freshman really are!The defense can't stop the run,and our
secondary is small compared to other teams wideouts.Special teams are
a work in progress--LOUSY vs. Auburn;pretty good against the
'Bullpuppies.' Inexperience across the board on BOTH sides of the
ball;injuries;penalties;poor play....a certain recipe for a bad
season.Can Coach Muschamp right the ship??Time will tell....
 The Gators win,sometimes they lose.I get mad;I grumble.I get
euphoric;I rejoice.That's the nature of the game.Some of you have
already written Coach Muschamp off after 8 games.Many of you cite his
lack of head coaching experience;saying he shouldn't be doing OJT here
at Florida.Fact is,ANY coach coming here is a first timer(at Florida)
and undergoes OJT.Florida is a special job.There isn't one like it.The
Gator Nation,the SEC,the available talent make it so.Not to mention
that we had a football coach CHANGE the ENTIRE SEC's way of playing
the game(Spurrier).Another who CHANGED the offensive philosophy at
QB(Meyer).Meyer also recruited the GREATEST Gator of them all...Tim
Tebow.AD Foley went and got someone who WANTED to be here.Coach
Muschamp will stay for a long time---unless he just can't get the job
done(same with ANY program).Coach Muschamp has the same problem as Ron
Zook had---he's following a Gator legend.The difference is that Zook
was abrasive to the Gator Nation and actually "ran" good players off
or didn't play them.(Ingle Martin,Ciatrick Fason,et al)
The Gators enjoyed success under Spurrier and Zook took us to
mediocrity.Meyer restored us to the limelight.So far,the Gators are .
500 under Coach Muschamp.He's identified the problems and is trying to
get them fixed.He's taken responsibility----he is the head coach,after
all.He's got the drive,desire,fire,and will.Let's wait and see how
that translates towards wins and losses.Eight games by no means a
season make!
 If you feel you can't wait for things to get better,I suggest you buy
copies of the Gators championship seasons and watch them year
round.I'll be whooping and hollering with THESE Gators win,lose,or
draw.I'll give Coach Muschamp his due--praise for winning;criticism
for losing.WHEN he gets the Gators back up again,I'll applaud and say
"way to go,Coach!"IF he can't get the job done,I'll be the first to
point him to the door marked "EXIT."

1996 National Football Champions   |   2006 National Basketball Champions
2006 National Football Champions   |   2007 National Basketball Champions
2008 National Football Champions   |   
Three Heisman Trophy winners: Steve Spurrier (1966), Danny Wuerffel (1996),
Tim Tebow (2007) - Visit our website at

1996 National Football Champions   |   2006 National Basketball Champions
2006 National Football Champions   |   2007 National Basketball Champions
2008 National Football Champions   |   
Three Heisman Trophy winners: Steve Spurrier (1966), Danny Wuerffel (1996),
Tim Tebow (2007) - Visit our website at

1996 National Football Champions   |   2006 National Basketball Champions
2006 National Football Champions   |   2007 National Basketball Champions
2008 National Football Champions   |   
Three Heisman Trophy winners: Steve Spurrier (1966), Danny Wuerffel (1996),
Tim Tebow (2007) - Visit our website at

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