I don't know whom to address,Anand Pathak,Prakash or Utkarse ?
Any how,your address' Uncle Gajjar' haha ha ha...ha... ha... has amused me ! You should be 10 to address me as such,if so hey... what a child does in GB-an adult group ?
You wouldn't have blamed me for harsh and rough language to Ketan-The moderator,if you would have known all facts.
Let me put:
I have posted two morphed photos to GB and Ketan has refused to post it giving reason...Okay let take full letter:
Date: 08/08/04 11:28:31
Subject: morphed osama bin laden pics
for a long period of time, i have not allowed any emails that could
be offensive to the sensibilities of any religion. last month,
someone from dubai, an indian, sent me jokes that were ridiculing
indians . i did not alllow it.  on a personal level , we all are
liberal but on a mass mailing group there are always people whose
feelings could be hurt and one has to be careful as a moderator
the pics that you posted are of indian stars and have been morphed
as osama binladen look alikes. it is bound to raise the heckles of
many. while i appreciate your efforts, i do hope that you understand
why i am not allowing it. 
He rejected the photos giving reason "Not allowing any E Mail that could be offensive to any religion"Yet he is allowing letter after letter which were protested by several members as offensive to Hinduism and Islam.I asked a very straight question to him: Then why you have allowed this flood of letters which has offended the sensibilities of so many members ? He hasn't answered,but pretending that the question has been answered !He has sidetracked the question,but cunningly diverted to the ' gayness of gods' controversy.
My focus is not on the ' gayness of Gods' but the clear  and out right double standard or partiality he has perpetuated.Instead,he should have accepted the error he has clearly committed.I know he is in very difficult condition.He has to put his foot in the mouth.If he has as an honest person have accepted the folly he has clearly committed,the whole controversy would have ended there only.
I hope you understand my anger at him.I am not angry with him,because he has allowed the debate because I know it is his right to allow/not allow any debate or letter,but my anger is at his double standard-his partiality.
I hope you understand my position and the the attitude I have been forced to adopt.
Actually you have criticized me,but.... I don't now...why....You have pleased me.!! ...perhaps by your sincerity !
 Shirish Gajjar
-------Original Message-------
Date: 10/03/04 11:24:04
Subject: Gajjar Uncle You are Amazing

Dear Gajjar Uncle,


I have always been reading your mails and your other postings (the art you have mastered over 4–5 years since you brought your computer) and have developed a sense of amazement. I don’t know if anyone has told you lately, but you are awe–inspiring. Your bigoted mails make a very interesting read. Thanks for constantly churning these mails, because I get a kick out of reading them. You keep reminding me that there are so many people like you out there, who with their intolerant ways and prejudiced minds are making this place a difficult place for us; you make me more determined and strengthen my will to overcome people like you and be what I am.


In your last mail addressed to Ketan, you crossed the limits of civility and sanity. That’s bad for no one but for you. You should introspect and find out the reason for the negativity you are harbouring in your heart; because it is damaging you. In your quest for saving the honour of God, you forget that no religion or religious icon ever propagated hatred or violence against anyone or anything.


Gajjar uncle, let yourself be an example of a loving person with a big heart.


Prakash ...a.k.a...Utkarsh.




Ketan,what you have done is unpardonable crime and all god loving people of all religions all over the world will never forgive you.Sooner or later you have to face the grim reality of death and you will be judge for this sinful act of allowing god to be called gay by bunch of foolish idiots.Today out of arrogance and stubbornness,you are not accepting the grave error you have committed,but one day you will repent and cry with tears of blood. Though I am terribly wounded ,I am not leaving this group as Shahil had thought at some moment,simply because I am not an escapee,but a born fighter who fights till the last breath !


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