A group was touring London, marvelling at the historic buildings, art collections, and 
such. The group included people from many countries. During the tour of the Tower of 
London, a man from Prague and another man from Athens struck up a conversation about 
some point in history. A small disagreement ensued, which rapidly became a large one. 
They decided to settle the matter then and there using the historical accoutrements at 
hand. Donning armour and chain mail, they prepared for a battle to the death. This 
attracted the attention of the rest of the tour group, who crowded around for a better 
look. Inasmuch as the combatants were in period dress, the people couldn't tell one 
from another. "Is that the Czech wearing the armour?" asked one tourist.   "No," 
replied another, "The Greek is in the armour. The Czech is in the mail."

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