Holy Cow!!
You jammy...stud of bombay!!
I'd most definitely say you had lucked out...just look at you...you chance upon 
this guy at an airport...scope him out...have the hots for him...secretly and 
badly wish you could somehow or magically make out with him...and Voila...he's 
on the same aircraft as you and travels along with you...through all the three 
or something layovers...you spot him...both flash smiles...the message is 
crystal and is sent across and could it get any better than this-HE ACTUALLY 
AND QUICKLY TOSSES OFF(hey hey I mean write something quickly...what did you 
think you naughty laddie ...geehee)his number ...you are in heaven pinch 
yourself and realise it's all but true and happening...you finally get 
home...pitch a line about meeting your good ole mate and steal out into the 
Mumbai night and meet up with this guy...and tthe rest is history...
But you know something stud, not every one gets as lucky as you had...as for me 
if only and that's a big if though, I had been on my own I surely would've 
What took the cake was this (I had purposely glossed it over...): after we had 
climbed down the steps and got into the car(I was sitting in the front of the 
car and my aunt and mum in the back)...my aunt and mum chorused...much to my 
chagrin..."hey who's that good-looking, fair tall bloke who's been checking you 
out" and they chortled in unison...and I went red in the face!!
See ya Stud...by the way your screen name sent a wave of tingling sensation 
right up my...ahem you know what...!!hahaha...

hahaha jsjsjsj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I read your mail where in our GB Friend  had written about his  experience at 
the Mahalakmi temple. And how he missed a golden chance.

I would narrate a story quite similar to this but it was different in the way 
it ended.

I was traveling by a flight that reached its final  destination only after 
three stopovers.

At the airport while taking the boarding pass I saw this amazing guy in uniform 
and cap.

Would have been in his late Twenties, 6 feet tall fair clean shaven and a very 
well toned body just my types.

  Just to remind you these were the early days when Private airlines had 
started functioning in India and the airline staff were decked to glory 
including this hunk. My heart skipped a beat. I was seventeen, tall slim fair 
cute boy  then and had that mad urge to go out  and get what I wanted. At that 
time I had a few sexual encounters with a school friend(Guy) of mine and just 
wanted more of sex but did not know where to find one. I just did not have the 
courage to explore my town which was a non metro city.

I had moved to mumbai for my studies and was putting up with my aunt who was 
traveling with us that day.

So getting back to the incident . I collected the boarding pass of my Mom, my 
Aunt and for myself  and moved for the security check. In the middle of all 
this I was constantly eying that guy and I was sure he knew about it. Anyways I 
had to move on with my folks for the security checks and once that was done I 
was felling quite low as the hunk was out of sight.

Boarding announcements were made and we moved towards the aircraft. Around this 
time I had started eyeing other men around but no body could match the looks of 
my hunk as a result all other men around felt like jerks.  We had taken out 
seats and the flight took off  I went off for a nap.

During the first stopover I moved to the front exit of the aircraft to have a 
mouthful of fresh air. To my amazement I got to see the same guy in the 
aircraft. Guess what he has a copilot on that aircraft. I just did not know 
what to do. On the contrary he gave me a short and cute smile. 

I just came back and caught hold of the seat I was dumb folded. I had this wild 
urge in me to have him but did not know what to do. To add to my pains  I had 
my folks next to me. Anyways the flight took off and  in the next twenty 
minutes I had the hunk waking down to the rear part of the plain. He had that 
search in his eyes while walking I knew it was for me. As destined our eyes 
caught the attention of each other. After a walk to the rear end he moved back 
to where he was supposed to be (cockpit).

At the next halt I moved toward the lo that was at the front. Guess what he was 
around the business class area. I moved toward the lo and we met mid ways.  We 
exchanged a short smile followed by Hi. He was fast enough to convey that he 
would be in Mumbai that night and if I wanted to meet up I should call him on a 
number which he had  written on a piece of paper . 

We  reached our respective places and for the rest of the journey I was 
planning an excuse to meet him that night. We reached Mumbai at 9-30 and home 
around 10.30. I sneaked out on the context of meeting up with a collage mate to 
know what all has happened in the last fortnight which I had missed.

But the real destination was goregaon   . I had spoken to my buddy and had 
taken his address details . he meet up that night and rest is I am sure is  

So one should know how to make the most of what he is being offered at this 
very moment 

K-Y Jelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Jan. Howdy!!

Thanks for emailing me.  I've read your raunchy experiance on the rails and 
felt something twitch behind my pants...geehee...

But are you sure such things really happen every now and then...I remember some 
of my acquaintances narrating similar experiences or shall I say adventures 
happening on the metro trains...Isn't it noticeable...Doesn't it become 
obvious...For a split second it was hard for me to buy what you had keyed 
in...I was like,'howcan a stranger firtly guess that the other person's queer 
and to cap matters hobble up to him in a moving train and grope his packet 
without the others realising it?'...

But after I've read your account, I put two and two together and cottoned onto 
the grim reality that there are such wolves plaguing trains and other public 
places, perpetually lusting after prospective gay men and trying everything in 
their power to get what they want...

But of course in your case it was your leniency that must've sent out all the 
right kind of signals...But I can't stop appreciating his audacity...He leers 
at you sizes you up and then ambles up to you and rubs your knob up?...I 
would've liked it or allowed him to do it only if I had been convinced that it 
would be perfectly all right...but then again it would've depended on the 
situation and the looks of a person...Which means I wouldn't have readily 
yielded to his overtures but would instead have thought twice before caving 
in...This would have happened if and that's a humungously big if, I had grown 
fond of him in that little time...A remore possibility...!!

I'm remindede of a similar incident at Mahalakshmi...I had just finished having 
darshan and was waiting at the rear of the altar overlooking the 
sea...remember?...(have you been to Mahalakshmi?)...and there was this 
infinitely cute-looking guy who had been ogling me all the while...He was 
radiating oodles of 'heat', if you know what I mean. and oozing gorgeousness!! 
He was in an enigmatically contamplative mood as though pondering the meaning 
of love and its connections with life or soulsearching a bit...

He had stood propped on the wall and then sat down on the bench carved out of 
the wall and was munching the prasad scoping me out...It was only later that I 
realised what he had been up to...I had come with my relations (damn!!) and was 
not really at ease with the ambience...geehee...And this guy made to get up and 
approach me, when my relations, completing the last of their circumambulations, 
signalled our departure...

I grudgingly followed in their footsteps...stealing a glance at him and much to 
my embarrassent, our eyes meeting...What's more...unbelieveably, he followed 
suit to where we leave our shoes and halted at a distance...still looking at me 
in the eye...staring me out!!My folks,meanwhile,had gone to get the shoes when 
he advanced a little in my direction and he would've come in the striking 
distance to me if my folks hadn't been too quick for him much to my 
chagrin...And I knew he remained there at the mouth of the steps as we kept 
descending them and stood there gazing after me...Even I had kept looking back 
at him but couldn't screw up my courage to even flash a thin smile which I had 
imagine he did and a rather conspicuous one at that!!

I wish I had,leastways, spoken to him...

As for my specifics...albeit I style mumbai my second hometown I don't belong 
in there...I'm substantially associated with arts and science alike..there 
doesn't seem to be a limit on what could inspire me...any realm 
...sphere...domain...you name it!!

I sadly haven't got a picture to post at the moment-haven't got any solos, as 
for other details...I'd like to hold a little fire here...Perhaps, in my 
subsequent emails to you...

Righto, mate, gotta go...but you look after yourself well and keep posting and 
up the good work!!


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