Dear Vineet
        What an excellent naration! Thanks a lot for your email. I Wish,  you have more pleasent encounter.

vineet kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
                                                     Iam not a Bombayite but was stuck and forced to stay in Bombay for six days instead of my scheduled two days all because of torrential rains that play havoc in Bombay.....Being a frequent visitor, i always knew Bombay is 
friendly but in last few days i realised people here can go out of their way to help who are in need.
                   Anyway..iam writing this to share a personal experience which proved out to be a blessing in disguise for me.
                                                      I was to leave in the evening, when news spread  about traffic jam and flood in ceratain areas.......but i still insisted on catching up my flight, not knowing that it could prove fatal for taxi driver was ready to take me on..and i was also warned by the hotel official's...i had no choice but to stay..and i was glad i stayed.
                     I rarely use my credit cards but at that time i realised how handy and convenient it turned out to be ..because by then i was left with little money as i love to mix pleasure with business.
                                           J.W. Marriot in which i was staying i guess is a favourite place for the film and T.V. wallas to the evening when i came down from my room after a much needed nap, i saw hundreds of people in reception area,coffee shop...and other was looking like a Mela..quite lively unlike a serene 5 star ambiance, after spending some time watching people i went to was jam packed i make my way to the bar counter and found a vacant stool to sit on after few drinks  i was pretty much unhibited and begin to enjoy the chaos....few minutes after i saw a familiar face coming my way and sat besides me...i was happy to see a former Model and actor who is still very sexy( no he is not John Abraham..or Arjun Rampal..the guy iam refering to is touching 40 but still as good looking as he was 10 yrs back)...he ask for drinks..and gulped down..he was visibly i did't bother to smile at him..
though i was excited to see that hunk from the close counters .  after some time..he looked calmed..and i was eager to ask out of curiosity what the matter was, so i asked
at first he saw me from head to toe..and with resentment he told me that his sister  had not reached home and her phone was also not reachable, and besides he has to spend night at hotel..but they have no room vacant..i comforted him generaly..that all will be well...after 15 minutes or so..he got a call from his home.  that his sister has reached home safely he was very relieved and came to his face..and he told took his sister  more than 5 hours  to travel 7  kilo meters..then i realised the intensity of the situation.
                                               To cut the story short i offered him to share a room with me.(i know the situation was quite filmy) at first he denied but resented, so at about
11:30 pm we came to my room, he called his home to tell his paraents about his where abouts after that we called for a dinner...(come to think of it...had i not be on drinks that evening i would't had the courage to offer him to share a room with me) still i dont want him to think that i was taking advantage of the extraordinary situation.
                              After a visit to the bathroom he came out in a Towel wrapped around his waist...i was amazed to see his taut body..i got a instant hard on and it was very hard to control my self..but better sense prevailed and i curbed my excitement..
                                   We sat for another round of i was discovering him i found him sharp very intelligent with a  pretty strange sense of humour..every now and then i was in splits and he continued to looked at me poker faced...his naughty face and manly body combined together was dynamite...i wondered he is a famous personality know nothing about me ..just met me few hours why he agreed to stay a night with me? there has to be some reason other than spending a night in need of a shelter..i looked at my self across the mirror..trying to evaluate me..i my self was not bad looking...5' 11''...pleasent body.....and guys do find me attarctive ...but thinking about him wanting me in bed could be a folly of my hopeful  imagination,   and firstly i dont even know if he is drawn towards men or not....soon i dissmissed the possibilities and continued giving attention to his amusing anecdotes.
                Soon after we decided to retire to bed with loads of Butterflies in my stomach
though i may have slept with better looking guys than him, but celebrity is a celebrity.. it is a completely different kind of high to even think about the possibilities...and here i was laying with him on the same bed was hard for me to believe.....that a celebrity was sleeping few inches away from me...soon i realised he is in sleep when one of his hand strayed and landed on my hand, i wished it could be a take off point for stolen moments of passion..but i was still not ready to take the initiative.. and with passionate thoughts and a raging hard on i did't knew when i went to sleep.
                   After few hours i woke up with feeling of a hand snaking up to my moderatly hairy chest., i once again blamed it on my drunken state and wishful thinking
i checked my own hands if one of my hands having its own mind to touch me there.. but no, what?  gosh! so at last he was trying to seduce me..i was delighted to say the now i was fully awake and hopelessly erect, but acted as if i was still in sleep...i wanted to savour the feeling of him seducing me..his hands are now playing with my nipples...he was going berserk with his hands on my body..i was enjoying all the attention i let him play with me for some more time till i could't resist very greedily i turned towards him and hugged him..his hot body met with mine i was surprised to find  him already without a thread.
                                                My passion to feel his manhood was at its peak...
and with a wild abandon i reached for his family jewels..and boy i was not a bit surprised to find a thick long member in my hand leaking generous amount of precum..i played with his cock for some time lost in my own world , i felt a chill on my body when he flicked off the blanket over us..he hugged me to give his warmness...his face was near enough to feel his hot breath....and with  practised expertise he kissed
 me lightly on my lips..i reciprocated ..never wanted to let go of the feeling.
                     Two three minutes later we broke our kiss, how i wanted to see him in all his naked glory, i made him stand in front of that i can survey the hunk in filtered light...muscular chest..slim waist...fleshy thighs..strong hands..and the final possession..which was raising itself...i gazed at him in wonderment and desire..gently laid him down upon on bed, drew him closer till his manhood was directly in front of me i breathed in his intoxicating musky fragrance...and set upon worshipping the greek god  the way he was deserved to be worshipped...
                                                                                 His reaction was swift and gratifying his hips lifted off the bed and his legs closed in around my head drawing me even closer to his manhood, he was breathing harder and faster and i could tell that he was just short of cumming, i quickly withdrew my face left him unsatisfied.
                       I climbed up on the bed , next to him.... his eyes were closed and he was breathing deeply he was still lost in his own world .. i gave him few more moments then kissed him lightly awaking him back to reality....i was laying face up on the bed he moved over and lay on top of me..i put my arms around him and we held on to each other feeling contended  ...
                                             It was't too long though , before i noticed that our respective joysticks were still very hard and trapped between our bodies.
                                           He ever so gently rolled over me got on top of me with his face towards my crotch.. took his hands under my butts.. lifted my crotch, and took my hardness in to his warm mouth... i was riding on clouds..with a swift motion he inserted his cock spiked with his ever oozing precum in to my ever eager mouth...he continued to increase his speed and i continued my build up to release...we were one...i no longer knew where he ended and where i begun.....our body danced in unison..we rolled over each other..our manhood still inside eachother;s mouth growing soft...i held him kissed him and tottally surendered to him and lapped up all the pleasures he willingly showered on me................

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