Nice work, Jimmy!!
But I was hoping if you could possibly put in more of such intriguing tips(on various subjects) for a general yet helpful read in future.
Tips like these would always come in useful; plus, none can go wrong with them, can they?
KY Jelly

jimmy khan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You spritz your pits and pluck your nose hair before every date. But lurking beneath your otherwise well-groomed facade are sneaky saboteurs that can take you from stud to dud in an instant. Use this checklist to make sure you’re good to go.

 Neck Stubble

Thick, prickly little hairs stick out over some men’s collars like porcupine quills. Swipe with the Gillette M3 Power Nitro every few days to keep your neck neat.

Mega-Minty Breath

Gargle 5 seconds before you show up and we’ll worry you’re hiding halitosis. Schedule a mouthwash buffer of 20 minutes so the flavor wears off a bit. For a light touch,

Rough, Red Skin on Hands and Forearms

Farmers’ daughters might find the roughness a turn-on, but the rest of us prefer a smooth touch. Don’t forget to hit your knuckles.

Too-White Teeth

If a man isn’t an actor, model, or game-show host, paper-white teeth make a guy suspect his authenticity, and we wonder what grimy aspect of his lifestyle he might be trying to overcompensate for.

Odious Deodorant

A grown man shouldn’t smell like an infant or a spice rack. Opt for unscented deodorant that will let a hint of your cologne or, even better, the true eau de you come through.


Everyone develops the odd zit here and there. But stroking a man’s back (or butt) during sex shouldn’t be like reading Braille. Unclog those pores with an exfoliating scrub

Shiny Lips

It’s great that you’re nursing your wind burned mouth back to health, but coating your kisser with five layers of petroleum is disgusting. A better strategy: Brush your lips with a soft, dry toothbrush to remove flaky skin, apply a thin coat of lip balm, then pat your lips with a tissue to make your mouth matte.

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