Dax -
Could you look at this report and ask Donna Red Wing to review it as well....I am afraid that it is another case of Gays cruelly using the TG community as cannon fodder...
This could be an interesting article for you to research to help bring the TG Community at-large into the US mainstream...through your excellent LBGT magazine ...Alliance..
Most of us are proud of ourselves and the great successes members of our community regularly achieve in the US...it always saddens me when people claiming to support us actually undermine us by separating us from the other members of general society with whom we live because of our supposed supporters agendas need to flog their own devils..
One person mentioned in the report was identified as a 100,000 dollar a year business person who went on welfare after transitioning from Male to Female..
Most of the rest of the TGs  were identified with all the 'National Enquirer' buzz of Bikers from Hell or Two-headed Goats...not the simple humans living simple lives that most TGs that I know are..
Lord knows i would be scared to live next door to anybody TG or not with a proclivity to be involved with evil civil servants on a regular basis..
I question whether the authors of this report really know much about the US TG community, its size, its variety and most of all its success..
In a message dated 9/26/2005 11:52:14 A.M. Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
As a 55 year old TG who has never been abused by police or  general public
anywhere in the US during the last 37 years since I identified  myself as TG...I
would be very interested in reading this report...I guess I do  not run with
the right crowd...I am very intrigued to see who is in this  crowd...

If anybody in the group knows how or where to get the report  please tell me
and us..

Elizabeth Jeffords - executive director
Transgendered Voices, Inc. - a wyoming  not-for-profit



good to see your mail after such a long time

you can either download the entire report or read the key findings at



In a message dated 9/26/2005 9:04:24 A.M. Mountain Standard Time, 

police  accused of "shameful" gay abuse
Eric Johnston, Gay.com/PlanetOut.com  Network
Friday 23 September, 2005 14:03 |

Police mistreatment  and abuse of lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender people is widespread  in the United States, according to
a report released by Amnesty  International (AI) that describes
a "shameful state of affairs" in the  relationship between the LGBT
community and law  enforcement.

"Stonewalled: Police abuse and misconduct against lesbian,  gay,
bisexual and transgender people in the United States" is a 150-plus 
page report that AI called the most comprehensive report of its kind 
to date.

The document focused on four cities -- Chicago, Los  Angeles, New
York and San Antonio -- but also includes information from  surveys
of the 50 largest police departments in the country, as well as 
hundreds of interviews and testimonies.

"Quite simply, Amnesty  International's new report finds that police
abuse and misconduct against  members of the LGBT community is a
persistent and widespread problem  across the United States," said Dr
William F. Schulz, executive director  of Amnesty International USA.

The allegations against some law  enforcement officers range from
unfair searches and detentions, to verbal  abuse, to violent physical
and sexual abuse, including abuses that are  "tantamount to torture",
according to Schulz.

The report gives  several detailed and graphic examples.

In one case, Frederick Mason,  31, a gay African-American man who was
arrested by Chicago police  following an altercation with his
landlord, alleged that officers  handcuffed and raped him with a
baton that had been dipped in cleaning  fluid.

In another, police officers allegedly beat, hog-tied and dragged 
Kelly McAllister, a white transgender woman, across hot pavement
upon  her arrest in Sacramento, California.

She was placed in a Sacramento  County Main Jail cell with a male
inmate who struck, choked, bit and raped  her. That inmate received a
mere three-month sentence, while no officer  was been disciplined for
the incidents surrounding Kelly's incarceration. 

According to the report, transgender people, ethnic minorities and 
youth are the most likely to suffer mistreatment.

The study also  indicates incidents go largely unchecked because of
underreporting and  unclear, under-enforced or nonexistent policies
and procedures.

The  AI report did point out some initiatives taken by several police 
departments to improve their practices. For instance, the city of
West  Hollywood, California established a Transgender Task Force to
address  policing issues. Washington DC created a Gay and Lesbian
Liaison Unit  staffed by four full-time officers and 10 volunteers.

Two-thirds of  police departments reported providing training on hate
crimes against LGBT  individuals. But while most departments offer
training on sexual assault  (86 percent), only about half (52
percent) include LGBT-specific issues. 

The report concluded that despite some positive initiatives, police 
departments nationwide needed to do more to protect LGBT people, 
specifically by increasing training and  accountability.


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