Hi R,

I dont think you need to be apologetic about reporting here about your letter in DNA. I would say this is quite the proper forum for this to be publicized, and I for one would like to compliment you on a well written letter. There is also a lesson in this for all those of us, including me, who are largely closeted - that you don't need to be out to the whole world before you try making an impact in favour of the community.

It is heartening that the generally unseemly competition amongst mass media in India nowadays - whether it be TV or print - is having some good side effects - like the propensity to pick up hitherto untouched or taboo topics. Whether the media talks about homosexuality for titillation, education or shock value is another matter - but as many people have expressed before me on this list, it is critical for the community to get mainstream exposure any which way. Time and again one sees that once any social issue becomes prevalent in the mass media by way of reports, debate or comments, the taboos associated with it dissolve. of course they may get replaced with either of understanding or hate - but then that is where we will have to come into the picture and intervene like you have so ably done in the current case.

And Umang, look i started writing again - so that next time you won't have to ask me why i dont write any longer on the lists - it was just that i had felt no urge to participate in debates over un-gay things like whether lifted urdu poetry has to be readable to be read ;)


Hi Pal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I thank DNA for publishing a well edited mail of mine in today's DNA, Speak Up section, Inbox.
Here's the link:
Yeah, I know I sound childish to publicize this, then I am thankful though am a virtual nobody DNA has published the mail as they felt that it clarifies certain issues regarding gay sexuality in India.
I very well know that I have not ben comprehensive here.
I have repeatedly expressed in this forum, my opinion that for us to get our "freedom" it is essential to make society understand that we are normal, responsible, dignified and intelligent human beings.  In fact I detest this branding of "queer" etc.
I have loved a man deeply in a very mature way [ I'm 48] and believe me, I didn't find anything abnormal or queer with my feelings. 
I am closeted and do not attend meets, but I do believe that I should contribute to the gay community in India in my own way with the belief that at least my next generation gets a better deal.
This is myrequest to all members to propogate in your own way the message that we are perfectly normal, dignified, responsible and intelligent human beings.

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