• Hats off to Moderator team for allowing this msg in first place without comments (guess thats y they r moderators & do their service so well)
  • Can u Define religion Luv-dude in the first place ?letz c ur gr8 sense and wisdom in that .
  • We the members of this group have enuff faith in the Moderators here to believe that what they have allowed is justified enuff - a grp does not grow to its current strength if its in hands of "stupid moderator" !
  • And to talk of a muslim sending hindu pics -- well did u know that a well respected dude called Ut Bismillah Khan learned music and used 2 practice only in a Ram Temple (under the blessings of its priests) or that the Haji Ali is frequented as much by Hindus as Muslims ? Or Christianity/Islam/Several hindu sects believe in the same god with only different names if u go back 2 their origins ? Or if u believe in only hinduism it says all things start and end at the same place(vaishnavs/shakts/shaivs/nirvikaaris-  all  ) and hence whoever does or sends any gods pics is just an part of that power with different beliefs maybe ............
  • Get ur basics right on religion first and read scriptures or discourses other than some current dadi waala baba on Aastha or a political based bhaand ( and oh yeah catch up a wee bit on ur angrzi also so that readers across the globe dont chuckle on a hindu gay's lingo who offers his sympathies and angers to all ).
(dunno if the Moderator will allow this email thru -- but really really can v get outta this religion moulds -- if v dont mind getting fucked or fucking a christain gori chamdi or that cute as apple pie iranian then what the hell r v getting touchy on ! )
Will just relate a well known story in life of vivekananda (if the rest is seen against the grp posting rules can the mod just post this pieve plz?) --
Once while on a  visit to Kashmir he saw a desecrated temple and thought "if i were he at the time of this act i would never have allowed it " .The nxt moment he heard The Mothers voice " am i there 2 protect u or u to protect me ?"
No human is powerful enuff to desecrate or insult Him -- atleast this must should have been realised by a "religious " person like u sweetheart !
Best Wishes

ude <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What a stupid moderator ??? A muslims sending pics for what ? is sender follows that religion ? Its just making fun . ..IS this group is created for that ?????
  Are christians and Muslims are sending pics of their religions ???
  Abey BEwakoofo , U r not Higlhy foolish and  dumb people first learn to keep religion away ...I am religious thats why i dont like this thing, Follow religion if you can just sending pics doesnt show any thing ...

prince aj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
--- gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com
I strongly recommend moderator to keep religion out of this group . this is not place to send Shri Hanuman picture .Its simply disgrace to feelings of Hindus .


someone posted a nice pic of lord hanuman, so allowed it

what's wrong?

i thought it was a goood pic



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