Blood and Semen
The blow was quite hard. When I woke up, my head was still reeling and for a moment I couldn’t feel a thing. As the realization of th pain hit me, I groaned. I still saw patches of yellow and blue and dark, which gradually faded and revealed a room. My room.
As I sat up on the bed, I could feel something sticky wet around my head and shoulders. My head was still reeling and my body was numb and weak. I culdnt think. And I fell back on the bed. And there was a vague feeling from a distance that a pair of eyes was intently watching me, with concern and anxiety.
“How are you feeling today?”
“Much better. Thank you!”
“Your friends have been calling ever since the incident. Seems like lots of parties are left unattended.”
Piyush ignored the obvious taunt in Madhavi’s voice and continued to concentrate on his morning cereal.
“I forgot to tell you, Zico called twice today morningand even came to see you a couple of times in the hospital. You were unconscious then.” Manish said, trying not to look at Piyush or Madhavi.
“Why is that queer so concerned?” smirked Shelly.
“None of your business!” snapped Piyush.
“Well why not? She is your sister. And it is our business to know who hangs around you.” Madhavi had stopped eating and was staring intently at Piyush, a look she has mastered in courtrooms over a long period of time.
An embarrassed Manish tried to speak but Madhavi motioned him to stop. Piyush quietly folded the napkin and stood up. He stumbled a bit, obviously still weak, but then steadied himself. Three pair of eyes, and a pair of ears from inside the kitchen, waited for a response.
“I am getting late for my physiotherapy. Have a nice day.”
Still dizzy and a bit giddy, I opened my eyes to face a strange face I have never seen before. She was dark complexioned and big white teeth. I closed my eyes and thoughts and images came to my mind. I opened and saw the concerned faces of Rocky, Nigel and Urmi. And that smiling face and another one, ths one with a pair of specs, receding hairline, nerdy looks and even more wider and kind of irritating grin. The latter two were in white and greens and … stethoscopes.
“Hi! I am Amit Juneja. I am a fan of yours. I am a doctor too. Guess I am lucky to meet the famous Dr. Sajan Grewal. I must say…”
“What happened to me?”
“Oh! Just a tiny burglary case. You were hit in the head and then carried and laid on your bed. A few stitches was all you needed. Are you feeling nauseous?”
What the hell !
I looked at Rocky with a questioning look. A far more normal and worried Rocky tried to pass a wry smile. Nigel moved towards my head and whispered that the police are looking into the matter. They would speak with me once I was feeling better. There is nothing to fear as nothing has yet been reported missing from the apartment.
My mind was all jumbled. I tried recalling the days event and also the moment of … and it was all blurred.
“Please rest, because that is what you need at this point. And do not worry, you are in good hands.”said Dr. Amit while giving one glance at some chart in his hand and signaling the rest to leave the room. The nurse threw a huge toothy smile at me once again.
“How long do I have to stay here?”
“As soon as you grant me the pleasure of a counseling session, I will release you.” My three friends threw some nasty looks at the obviously cracked doctor. Urmi’s face clearly showed he was muttering the 7 letter word describing the posterior entrance of humankind.
“I meant, when you would be strong enough to conduct a counseling session, we will release you.” Smiled Dr. Amit Juneja. Probably 31 or 32 years old. Obviously suffering from a weird sense of humour.
“We will be visiting you every day.” assured Rocky.
“I will visit every two hours, unless there is some serious emergency operation I need to attend.”
Urmi seemed to control herself with great difficulty. The mischief in my doctors eyes was apparent. Obviously he was enjoying the moment.
“Thank you all!” Was all I could mutter.
“You are always welcome.” Urmi rolled her eyes and darted out of the room, leaving Dr. Amit grinning at the remaining confused and irritated faces. The nurse continued to exhibit her 32 prize winning pearls.
Aayush tried for the third time and then gave up. Zico must be in some meeting; else he would have surely answered his call. Closing his eyes he thought about what Zico had asked him to do the day before he went after the ass of those son-of-a …
“Please remember to keep your head calm. I know they are testing your nerve,  ut you cant let them win. You know you are better than them, and you can save Manish. But just not in the way you are thinking.”
7 years back when the timid, whisky haired, crew cut, slim, fair, sharp featured guy walked in with a shy yet determined look in the training room, Aayush smiled at the thought of him surviving the pressure of being a steward. He had been hard and rude to him initially, but with time, the ice melted, and they became friends. And 7 years have passed, and he is still hovering around his life. Aayush knows he can count on him anytime, yet he is still praying that he disappears, for he and he alone stands the witness to 76 moements where unexplained urges was satisfied. It started with a drunken drugged night, when all the air-hostesses were not around, and neither was anyone available from his white pocket diary. Stranded in Mauritius, 3 days of no cum, and …
How it happened, why it happened, who started it… its all still a blur. But the next morning when Aayush had opened his eyes, he had hated himself. He hated the naked sight of Zico next to him. HE hated the smell and the feel on semen all around.
After 6 difficult months, Zico had an accident. And Aayush was asked to pay him an official visit in the hospital. Dreading the moment, he still went. And as they quietly stared at each other in that room, they silently realized that it was a moment of no explanation. They had crossed the threshold of frustration. And lust was what it had been.
Only what Aayush couldnot define was the 75 similar moments that had followed. He hated to accept Zico, but still acted as if he was a special substitute at desperate times. Guilt and care, coupled with a newfound trust and questionable friendship… all have made the two of them satisfied in each other’s company.
And now, that company is facing a challenge. Zico is openly demonstrating his sexuality and Aayush…
As the familiar ring tone played, Aayush waited for an answer. Finally a soft voice answered in a refined Brit accent.
“Do you need anything?”
“Some time with you…”
At one point of time, unknowingly to both of them, a lot more got exchanged. It wasn’t just semen, but bond stronger than blood. Only they didn’t have a name for it.

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