The gay police busted

An alert vigilant citizen Sameer Mujawar  (picture above) busted an organised racket by Azad Maidan police who allegedly placed gay decoys inside the toilet at Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus and then accused people visiting the toilet of homosexual acts to extort money

This is where the constables went along with the gay man for a drink

CST Railway police station that is investigating the case

Cops used decoy to accost 'homosexuals' in public loos and then harass them

Santosh Andhale

An alert citizen busted an organised racket by Azad Maidan police who allegedly placed gay decoys inside the toilet at Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus and then accused people visiting the toilet of homosexual acts to extort money

Following the complaint by Sameer Mujawar, 28, who they tried to trap in the toilet on Tuesday night, an inquiry has been set up against two cops.

Mujawar, was accosted inside the CST loo at 11 pm by Sachin Patil, the gay decoy. Patil allegedly began indulging in indecent behaviour with Mujawar, and when an angry Mujawar protested, Patil yelled out very loudly, calling attention of the cops.

The two constables, apparently waiting outside the toilet for precisely such a signal from their conduit, rushed in and asked what the two men were up to.

Patil then "acted" guilty, and when Mujawar told the cops he was trying to sexually abuse him, the constables told the two that they would have to be taken to the police station. Mujawar at this point told them he was a press reporter. The cops then let him go and pretended to take Patil away.

However, sensing something untoward, Mujawar waited at a nearby platform and saw that the constables along with Patil were similarly trapping many others and letting them go after extorting money from them. 

After a while, he saw the cops and their decoy go together to the Capitol Beer Bar for a drink. Mujawar called a friend, Sanjay Gurav, and along with him went to Azad Maidan police station to lodge a complaint. After registering the complaint, Azad Maidan police disrupted the errant cops' beer party and they were handed over to the CST railway police, since the case was under their jurisdiction. Patil was also arrested by railway police on Wednesday night but was later released on bail. His mobile phone was confiscated by railway police because the constables were allegedly in touch with him over the phone, but his SIM card has gone missing, thereby wiping out evidence.

CST railway police senior inspector Bapu Thombre said an inquiry against the constables had begun and promised action against the guilty. "Two constables have been identified and if any others too are involved, we will take action against them," Thombre said.

Who is Mujawar?
Sameer Mujawar, 28, a Sewri resident who was the victim of a classic case of entrapment by the gay police on Tuesday

What did he do?
He busted a group of police constables that placed gay decoys inside the toilet at Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus and then accused visitors of indulging in homosexuality to extory money from them.

The entrapment
Mujawar was accosted by a gay, Sachin Patil, when he visited the toilet at CST at 11 pm Tuesday. Patil allegedly began indulging in indecent behaviour with Mujawar, and when Mujawar protested, Patil yelled loudly. Hearing the commotion, two constables from Azad Maidan police station, apparently 'waiting' for the signal from the gay, entered the toilet, accused both Mujawar and Patil of homosexuality and told them they'd have to be taken to the police station. When Mujawar told them he was a press reporter, the cops let him go.

How the racket was busted
Sensing something fishy, Mujawar waited on one of railway platforms and noticed that the constables along with the constables were similarly trapping many others and letting them go after extorting money from them.

After a while, he saw the cops and the gay go together to Capitol Beer Bar for a drink. He then went to Azad Maidan police station to lodge a complaint. The officers there sent a havaldar to summon the constables from the bar. The constables were then handed over to CST railway police, since the case was under their jurisdiction. Railway police have now instituted an inquiry.



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