arre yaar kyun itna senti ho rahe ho.
all of us here and outside know what islam or any other religion says about us as such.
the time and the varying influences that hinduism has gone thru has meant that there r instances of gay behavior -- but it still remains intolerant and as a religion (as distinct frm religious /state heads who have practiced/tolerated it) is as much opposed to the concept ( heard of kunvaar daan instead of kanyadaan anywhere in hindu culture across?).
Ages of being closeted and not living for our basic right to live and exist with dignity has meant non-recognition and condemnation across people (who then constitute a religion and its set of beliefs).
This may be a passage quoted from Quran, but u wll get similar things across other religions and yes as individuals instead of debating on what any religion or XXX says , what we need to do is not buckle to the pressure and be what we are in life --not just in beds and thoughts.
Religions and the"dharma gurus" can keep babbling till the next floods.
btw -- interestingly so many religions texts and instructions seem to be revealed by xx god to some 'son of god' across religions/space/time -- wonder y cant ppl call their work as originals?

Dear Moderator and g_b subscribers,
After much reflection and deliberation, I have decided to write this mail. Islam condemns homosexuality. I am a gay man. I don’t stand outside of the range of that condemnation. I am as affected by this mail as any of you. But before we all jump to conclusions we need to understand a few things.
1) The extract mentioned by this messenger guy below, with its reference in the Holy Quran is also mentioned in the Holy Bible -Genesis 19. Perhaps you may have heard about Sodom and Gomorrah? For brevity’s sake I am not repeating it. You can Google it yourself. Or read it here
2) Maybe this extract has appeared for the first time in this forum, where a majority of subscribers are non-Muslims and non-Christians, so many people, taken by surprise by the severity in its tone and meaning, would feel threatened and since it condemns us as gay people, there will be retaliations in the form of ridicule and contemptuous outbursts from these shocked people. I wont be surprised if most Muslim and Christian guys may not be aware of this extract in their Holy Books.
 3) This extract in not new. Since it is in the Holy Books, it obviously dates as far back as those books themselves. It is not a surprise then that this extract has been often used by the Muslim and Christian religious groups in their anti-homosexual campaigns.
4)  There are many religious scholars who have already dealt with and countered and re-butted the interpretation of this extract before now. You can again Google this yourself or read these arguments here.
This is a long and acrimonious argument, hotly contested and corroborated by all kinds of proof  that each side quotes and counter quotes until they are blue in the face, to prove they are right. In such arguments where both parties adamantly stick to their ideologies/philosophies, nobody wins.
There is no conclusion.
The religious groups will always say that gay people are an abomination.
We, gay people of the world, will never stop being who we are.
In the process however, religious sentiments of people you love who belong to these communities will most definitely be hurt, because most people in this forum will very gladly hurl every kind of religious slur, targeting certain religious beliefs of this particular religious minority. I don’t want this to happen. I am in love with a Muslim guy. He understands and accepts that religion will never recognize our relationship. He still lives with that pressure. NOT guilt. JUST pressure. And he cannot abandon his religion neither can he stop being a homosexual man. I am in love with a practicing religious homosexual man. I can’t bear to see him hurt.
FURTHER, ask yourself this,
1) The messenger guy who sent this extract in the first place, will he be around to take the insults you guys hurl at his religion?  His job is done. The mischief is afoot!
2) What are his intentions are targeting the LGBT groups? How can he expect to create awareness of our "sins" by bombarding us with holy scripture? Is this about "Muslim-bashing"?
3) I am not sure what faith and community this messenger guy himself belongs to. Since Google can cater to almost any request for information you need today, a malicious mail can be sent by a person of any religion.
I am requesting every member of this forum.... GUYS I appeal to you to please address this issue with dignity and fairness. Please do not be insensitive by choosing to indulge in seditious blasphemy.
Imagine your lover asking you why as a Muslim man he has to give proof of his loyalty every time? Every time a question props up on issues as diverse as drinking, patriotism, homosexuality….Why does he need to justify his stand as a Muslim, to belong with the group? ("Oh You don’t drink? Is it because you are a Muslim? You are gay? Does Islam prohibit homosexuality? Then how come you are gay?" ) I feel that for the Muslim guys in this country being a homosexual among homosexuals of other communities is like being a minority within a minority.
Having said that let me assure you that I am not afraid of the consequences of a religious spat in here. People in love are seldom afraid of anything. But as an educated, intelligent and mature guy who believes in restraint, I don’t want the shit to fit the fan.
Aman B.

Messenger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
debated whether this email should be allowed and am clearing it because the mail is an example of what some (gay?) muslims think of homosexuality



Must Read :: The punishment for Gay community in the past ::
  God in many verses of the Qur'an criticises the behavior of Prophet Luth's community. They were people who carried out meanness, were sinners and acted outside one's limits. One of the major causes of this criticism stems from the community's sexual behavior, where males liked to carry out sexual relations with those of the same sex.
  God thus punished them.
  The entire race of Prophet Luth had been wiped out by Allah (GOD) through a massive flood,only those who followed the teaching of Allah had survived
  Quran says :
  We also (sent) Luth: He said to his people: "Do ye commit lewdness such as no people in creation (ever) committed before you?
  "For ye practise your lusts on men in preference to women : ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds."
  And his people gave no answer but this: they said, "Drive them out of your city: these are indeed men who want to be clean and pure!"
  But we saved him and his family, except his wife: she was of those who legged behind
  And we rained down on them a shower (of brimstone): Then see what was the end of those who indulged in sin and crime!
  Quran Surah : AL-ARAF (THE HEIGHTS)
  PS: The Quran was revealed 1400 years ago to the last Prophet of God, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as a guidance for all humanity

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