Dear Aman,
I am surprised why u speak of your lover being hurt again and again.... is that the main issue? The issue remains as alive even if u didnt have a muslim boy friend. What Aditya said is annoying even to a total non-believer like me.
To quote you.... "Despite several attempts at expaining myself over and over again....I think I am the only one here who feels that its wrong to use that kind of words while talking about religion. ANY religion."
Actually not only religion...its wrong to use that kind of words for any issue which we know would hurt some one. Aditya is a well qualified man, and is an activist. I am shocked how he wrote such a thing in this forum and is still unrepentant and is actually quite proud of what he did. Did Aditya flaunt his knowledge or his ignorance of human plight and weekness...or rather his arrogance?

Dear Aditya,
Your poem was good in terms of expressing how strongly you feel about people taking it upon themselves to use religion as weapon against the homosexual community.
There is mild point of technicality I wud like to make here. Your sense of rhyme is a lil askew. The first stanza goes ABAB, then, 2nd Stanza onwards it’s AABB CC AABB. Then it reverts back to ABAB for a stanza and then once again you follow AABB till the end. Not that it makes any difference, just making an observation. Obviously non rhyming poems also exist. 
And then again "God-Sod"!!! Who could have come up that rhyme?
See, I agree whole-heartedly with you. Its not the religion, its the way some religious leaders of today choose to bend the interpretation of the teachings of that religion to convenience themselves is a problem.
You get annoyed by such people. And you tell the whole lot of them to go suck a wet door knob! So far I am with you. Even if I disapprove of your language, I like your honesty and directness. I would do the same thing. Depending on how far I am provoked, perhaps my language wud  also be harsher. I don’t mind anything you tell this idiot who calls himself messenger.
But heres my question.
(a) If you have studied the life of prophet Mohd in detail and as you said u like his teaching, (albeit with a certain doubt as to the divine origin of the Holy Quran) so if I may venture an informed guess, you already know why He was the last prophet, Don’t you?
(b) And your command of the English language is superb.
So I am still trying to understand, why a person who can write excellent English and who has already studied the life of Prophet Mohd and so I am guessing knows why God did not send more prophets after Prophet Mohd, would ask, I quote,
 “Hey, after Prophet Muhhammad, why did GOD go out of the business of creating prophets? What Bankrupted Him..???”
I can only assume two things.
Either it could be a spontaneous reaction, which forced you to react sharply with anger. If that’s the case it still hurts, but I don’t mind it all that much. Anyone in a wild rage, can say things they don’t mean.
Being equipped with all that islamic knowledge, you knew what you were deliberately mocking a religious belief,and more importantly a belief that has nothing to do with homosexuality. I mean the
(a) “Bankruptcy” of God in sending more prophets on earth
Whats the co-relation?
Your question was out of context. Thats why it hurt my lover.
I decided to write to you in the hope of reasoning out and making you realise that it would suit you better to use more neutral tones while adressing a delicate matter. But I feel its no use anymore. The more I try and explain, the more you and other people circle around the main issue without answering me..... and the more complicated this becomes. My question remains. Why cant the question
 “Hey, after Prophet Muhhammad, why did GOD go out of the business of creating prophets? What Bankrupted Him..???”
be rephrased in more subtle and polite language?
Despite several attempts at expaining myself over and over again....I think I am the only one here who feels that its wrong to use that kind of words while talking about religion. ANY religion.
Maybe someday someone as blunt as yourslef, in a thoughtless fit of frustration, will hurt the sentiments of the guy you love and when your lover comes to you and asks you why is he in pain, for no fault of his own? And when you would want to protect him as much as I do.....Maybe then you will understand what I am saying here. Maybe untill that day you will refuse to understand.
Its called Karma and Karma, my dear Aditya does not require you to believe in it for it exist.....Whats more? Karma is very much to do with the three things you bow down to i.e Humanity Kindness and Niceness and the lack of them.
I quote
"There is enough goodness in being
the three - humane, Kind, Nice
I'd rather bow to the three"
Humane, kind and nice.... yeah right! So come again....Which of these three virtues you so nobly follow, were you trying to display when you composed the question-
“Hey, after Prophet Muhhammad, why did GOD go out of the business of creating prophets? What Bankrupted Him..???”  
Aman B.
Aditya Bondyopadhyay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
My reply to you that in the wisdom of the great GOD called moderator, was censored. - AB

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Aditya Bondyopadhyay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 21-Apr-2006 15:32
Subject: g_b Warning for gays ..Bum the Sod..!!

Dear Aman,
Aditya's Lingo may be a pain
-in the you know where!
But it stops God's dalaals
From repeatedly getting back to the 1st square.

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