If a person is caught being gay in Iran they're dead.  Coming out is impossible 
for some.  I'm SO lucky to live in Minnesota where the worst I can do is 
irritate people by my "pansy-ness".  How tragic for gays in Iran!  How sad for 
anybody who has to live in fear just so the majority can have a false sense of 
how tidy the world is.

pals1234me <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          it seems that there are many guys who have a victim mentality!
conditioned to believe that the whole world is after their life....

any form of dissent or even teasing is construed as 'bashing'..

i guess such guys shud wear a burqa and hide from any sort of social 
interaction..online or otherwise...

these so called 'out' guys seem to take it upon themselves to sermonise 
and condemn those who may not be able to come out into the 
open...blinkered vision! 


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