Let me just stress "persistence".  I am finally about to have a gay 
novel published that I first wrote (the first draft anyway) in 1984.  
Then at the beginning of the year a publisher finally said "yes" to 



--- In gay_bombay@yahoogroups.com, Karan Vyas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, I believe in that, because I never wanted to be an engineer, I 
wanted to write stories and be a producer and  a media person, but I 
know writing stories wont yield me anything, so I am an engineer, but 
when I earn enough I will do what I always loved and I will write a 
> dunno76 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                                  
> When you were a kid, you dreamed of having that one perfect career. 
A firefighter, veterinarian, astronaut or maybe even a circus clown. 
But then, something happened. You grew up. Suddenly you had 
responsibilities to meet and bills to pay. You graduated school and 
were expected to take a good, decent job. So you settled on what you 
could get, and your dream job remained just a dream.
> It's not too late to land your dream career. The time you spend 
thinking about it, could be time spent making it happen. If you're 
still waiting to land your dream career, you need to know where to 
find it, and how to make it happen.
> Truly successful people don't just love what they do; they do what 
they love. Success for them is not determined by a paycheque, but in 
the pride and confidence they have in their work. Others around them 
are envious, and rather than emulating their formula for success, 
they believe that the successful people must know a guarded secret, 
or were just lucky. The jealous ones don't realize that the 
successful people worked hard for their good fortune, struggling to 
land a dream career.
> Some people only see the results of true success, and they're 
starving for the same. What they don't realize is how easy it can be 
to attain a dream career.
> Dream careers are not just for the fortunate few. A dream career is 
truly attainable by anyone who wants it and is willing to strive hard 
to get it. There is no magic or mystery in the process, just a few 
basic, proven steps:
> 1. Believe in yourself. Self-confidence is a crucial and often 
overlooked element to true success. If you believe that your dream 
career is in reach, you will attain it. You also need to believe that 
you deserve that dream job. If you don't believe in your own success, 
you can't expect anyone else to. People who make their career dreams 
come true are those who believe in their goals. It's easy to become a 
true believer. Sit down with a piece of paper, and write your ideal 
life and career in detail. Create a picture that you can read or look 
at every day. Use this positive reinforcement to inspire you. Belief 
can be found within, but sometimes you have to dig a little to find 
> 2. Get the facts. Once you are confident in your own potential for 
success, you need to back up your beliefs with facts. Find out 
specifically what steps will be needed to bring your picture to life. 
In knowing this, you'll be more comfortable when it's time to take 
action. Will you require specialized training? If your dream career 
will mean a drop in pay, is that important to you or do you value 
happiness over monetary gain. Ask yourself every possible question, 
and give yourself honest answers. When you have all of the facts, you 
will be ready to take action.
> 3. Commit to your success. Some people are genuinely frightened of 
success. To be a true success not only requires commitment and 
honesty, but it also holds the potential to fail. Successful people 
are not afraid to say, "I will". You need to be able to give yourself 
completely to your success, and then you need to develop focus and 
direction that transforms your outlook and gives you purpose. Human 
beings are not innately inclined to make commitments. We sometimes 
feel that keeping ourselves "tied down" will somehow keep us from 
being open to other opportunities. Don't obsess about the chances of 
something better coming along. Commitment gives you something 
entirely more powerful: a reason to get out of bed every morning and 
look for ways to find your dream career.
> 4. Make a plan. Once you are fully committed to finding your dream 
career, map out the path you'll need to take. Gather facts and put 
them into play. Break down your total plan into smaller, obtainable 
goals. Mark these goals on your calendar, create a 'to-do' list and 
start making it happen. It's important to manage your priorities and 
only focus on the items that will actually bring you closer to your 
success. Now is not the time to waste time. Delegate and eliminate 
whatever tasks you can.
> Despite what you've heard about those fortunate few, a dream career 
doesn't just fall from the sky. Success comes to those who believe in 
themselves and work hard to make their dreams reality. Don't worry 
about taking small steps; that's how you get to reap the biggest 
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