Shaks... thats not good anymore...
So i have to think seriously and start doing some exercises as well.
Anyway, thanks.


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2007 12:02 AM
Subject: RE: g_b Blood So Impure ????

impact on gay life......due to high blood sugar level..........well it
causes be it hetero or homo sexual ....a guy wont be able to
function "properly"as a "top' in the sense......

Manthan Kulkarni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I wonder if a person with blood sugar level upto 200 should donate blood???
Can anyone throw some light on this. Also I want to know, is there any
impact on gay life due to this high level of blood sugar.


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of icarius_slade
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2007 12:43 AM
Subject: g_b Blood So Impure ????

Hi guys !

Sometime back, i had gone to donate blood at the bloodbank of 
Lilavati Hospital at Bandra, for a friend of mine, who was in urgent 
need of it. Before the needful was done however, we had to fill in a 
(sort of) medical history form where stuff like whether u were 
sufferring from asthma, jaundice etc. were asked.....pretty normal 
fare. And then, i froze ! Somewhere down below was a qustion "R U a 
homosexual ?" I was obviously shocked !

What is the need for asking such a stupid question ? How on earth 
could a respectable hospital like Lilavati, where all the top 
filmstars etc. go for their treatment, be so regressive ? I asked 1 
of my doctor pals & he said that the Govt. of india had definetly not 
made any such idiotic norm. Then why this discrimination ? 

The only reason i could come up with was that because of the 
stereotype of gays being promiscious, we perhaps fell under some kind 
of high-risk category & hence, if i'd have ticked "yes", they'd have 
denied me permission to donate blood, DESPITE me being completely 
healthy ! But why this discrimination against us ? Does this mean 
that heterosexuals have "purer" blood ? For all u know, the hetero 
guy/gal standing by my side might be HIV+ve while I am not & still my 
blood may not be given, purely for me being a gay.....and the patient 
may just die.

I was reminded of one episode in Queer as Folk (the US version) where 
Brian is denied from giving his blood to save Mike, just because he 
was gay.If this can happen in a "developed" society like the US, what 
abt. lesser mortals like us ?

VERY HESITATINGLY, i had to tick the "No" column, as the patient 
reqd. blood urgently and there was no time to be wasted on arguments. 
It wrenched my heart, but i didn't have any option. I had to attend 
to another urgent engagement that day due to which, i had to push off 
early. Do other hospitals in Bby, or for that matter, anywhere else 
in India, ask for this criterion ? What logic does it serve ? Thought 
that i'd bring it to the attention of every member of this group...



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