
Thanks a lot. I fully agree with what you have written below. Now onwards my 
efforts will be to help those who are suffering the same way and help them 
realize the good teste of life again.

With Luv

prakash1 prakash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                                  hi 
 Being elder to you, I think I can advise or tell u
 God atleast has freed you from that bondage & hell, u
 must thank him for that.  Now you have to dumb all
 these hangovers & start a new lease of life which he
 gave u.  In fact I dont want to rake up your past. 
 But if u c god had given enough indication of ur
 ex-wife's frivolus intentions. Anyways, the same god
 brought u this mess. 
 We as such have no alternative except to tread on the
 path shown by him thru some alerts directly or
 indirectly. Hence Do pray him sincerely & honestlly.
 Anyways, I sincerely pray to almighty to bless u with
 all the happiness u lacked earlier.
 One more thing I really like to c such mails, Hence It
 would be good on this forum if our members share their
 --- walnut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 >   Guys, 
 >  Almost an year ago I had written the following
 > email (the one at the bottom of this mail) to our GB
 > group, and received lot of support from various
 > members... My heartful of thanks to all those
 > members who wished me Good Luck! Their prayers have
 > been heard and today I am free with all my tensions
 > , worries whatever u call it....
 >  To begin with my story let me formally announce my
 > name here first. I am Rahul. I have done my
 > engineering and I have been working for last 10.5
 > years in the field of information technology....I
 > have enjoyed a great career and travelled the world
 > over....With ambitious mind and with high
 > expectations from my happy go lucky kind of life...I
 > purchased a new big flat for me, my parents and to
 > start my new family life (yes even though I knew I
 > was a gay)....I got engaged to a beautiful, charming
 > and intelligent girl...she was my distant
 > relative....after our engagement we started roaming
 > around like free lovebirds...exchanged 
 > emails...kisses...and lot more that any two lovers
 > would do. But after almost 2-3 months I started
 > observing changes in her attitude...her
 > behaviour…and her wish list that she was trying to
 > propose me with…
 > I was a very straight forward guy..and I had never
 > got any chance to understand any woman so closely.
 > At this point in time I had no thoughts of staying
 > single as I was already attached to her and had
 > started dreaming about my family life with her…but
 > as the time went by…she started showing her true
 > colours….she started avoiding me whenever I used to
 > go and meet her while she was with her friends….she
 > started giving excuses for not meeting me and
 > started telling me that she had received lots of
 > better marriage proposals and she could have opted
 > for someone better than me…I used to get upset and
 > try to find flaws/loop holes in my relationship….I
 > used to question myself if I had done anything wrong
 > to her for which she had started showing disrespect
 > and disregards to my feelings….Our tiffs took a
 > shape of small disputes which in turn triggered new
 > arguments and fights…. She went to an extent of
 > breaking our engagement and cancelling the marriage
 > hall which we had booked for
 >  our wedding…. My father was a very sensitive person
 > and he was deeply attached to his LADLA BETA.. He
 > couldn’t see his son’s engagement being broken and
 > soon he met with his first heart attack… I couldn’t
 > see my dad suffering in pain and physical torture… I
 > promised myself  ’whatever it may cost I will try to
 > make my relationship with her again and try to keep
 > my dad happy’ So me and my Mom tried to convince her
 > to patch up again and make a fresh start. She
 > agreed. My dad started feeling better and he began
 > our marriage preparations in full swing…but may be
 > god didn’t want to see me happy for a long time!
 > Just one month before my marriage on a black
 > Saturday I lost my father… He suffered cardiac
 > arrest and left me and my Mom alone. My Mom also
 > collapsed on seeing my dad dead and I had to
 > hospitalized her in an ICU….I brought my Mom back
 > home just 2 days before my wedding….my relatives and
 > family friends advised us to go ahead with my
 > marriage as it would only add a new
 >  member into our family and that might help my Mom
 > feel better… I had no choice but to accept the
 > wedlock… I was feeling guilty from within as at one
 > end my Mom had turned into a widow and at other end
 > I got married to begin my family life…Was it really
 > justified for a Son to get married especially when
 > he had lost his father just a month before his
 > wedding? Anyways…everything said and done..I made a
 > fresh start!
 >   But the pain of loosing my dad was still pinching
 > me deep in my heart…I always used to feel guilty
 > whenever I slept with my wife…In my dreams I used to
 > see my Mom crying and see the dead body of my
 > father! I had no clue whats there in store for me
 > and I could see my future in the dark…. I went into
 > depression and our relatives advised my Mom to take
 > me to a psychiatrist as only he could pull me out of
 > the mental stress and trauma that I was suffering
 > through… I was under medication for 3-4 months… Used
 > to take 6 pills a day and sleep for 12 hours a
 > day…it started affecting my career…I could not
 > concentrate on my work… it also started affecting my
 > health…My testosterone levels went down, my
 > haemoglobin/ RBC levels went down…and my mind become
 > slow and Iess responsive to the outside world!  I
 > realized that my psychiatrist had given me overdose
 > of the pills which would cause imbalance of the
 > chemical compounds in the human brain so that it
 > became less responsive…If I had
 >  continued with those pills for even a month longer
 > then it would have definitely killed me to death…one
 > fine day, while alone…I cried and screamed loudly
 > and begged Lord Ganesha to help me come out of this
 > situation as I knew my wife wouldn’t take care of my
 > Mom and she had only intentions to grab my money and
 > property! I spent many nights just by watching the
 > ceiling from my bed …and by looking at the rotating
 > fan!!!! It took me 1 year to come back to normal and
 > focus on my career again…I went to UK for my
 > official work. and soon I realized that my wife had
 > started withdrawing cash  from my bank accounts,
 > valuables from my safety locker and give it to her
 > parents….I caught her red handed many a times but
 > always took it lightly as I didn’t want my mom to
 > know about it.and loose her health again.
 >    I had already lost my dad…and didn’t want to
 > loose my Mom now! Another year passed. I changed my
 > job and I went to Switzerland for my official work
 > again….I used to call my Mom everyday and check
 > whether she was keeping well, eating properly and
 > taking care of her health or not…..One fine day my
 > elder sister gathered courage to call me from our
 > native place where she lived and told me that my
 > wife used to abuse my mom always and not leave a
 > single chance to umiliate her…and my Mom used to
 > weep for days and for days…my wife also put my
 > granny (My Mom’s Mom) forcibly into VRIDHHASHRAMA
 > without our consent… I left my job halfway and
 > returned back to India… I brought my granny back
 > home from VRIDHHASHRAMA..upon which my wife got
 > upset.. I realized that it was high time to take
 > strong action against her and expel her from my
 > life. I had big arguments with my wife and
 > ultimately I asked her to leave my house… she
 > started staying with her parents…soon after that my
 > granny
 >  passed away and now only me and my Mom were left in
 > my new..fully furnished flat which I had purchased
 > with lots of dreams and high hopes!!! We started
 > staying separate since March 2005…We filed out
 > divorce petition in August 2006 and TODAY by the
 > grace of God the court has approved the order of my
 > divorce petition..and now I am completely free…I
 > paid my wife the sum of Rs.10 Lacs as alimony,
 > jewellery worth Rs.3 Lacs, along with all the items
 > that were gifted to me during my wedding….  While
 > engaged in a wedlock I never thought of sleeping
 > with a guy as I had committed myself to her and I
 > personally believed in loyalty and maintaining a
 > faithful relationship… but what did I gain in
 > return? During last 5-6 years I literally lost the
 > entire charm of my life..I lost my hair…I put on
 > weight and started looking older than what I am
 > today…(just 31)
 > Now I swear by God that I would never marry again
 > and even I would then it would be with sole
 > intention of having a lifetime made servant for me,
 > who would serve me until my last breath!
 > Anyways…that was really a lengthy mail….but I thank
 > all of you for coming forward and giving me advise n
 > helping hand when I was low…some of you even gave me
 > valuable tips which helped me fight my legal battle!
 > Now I am working as a Sr.Project Manager in one of
 > the IT firms, and have started going to the gym
 > again to stay fit and look sexy again. So again wish
 > me good luck so that I gear up to add charm to my
 > personality again!
 >     I love you all!
 >       With regards,
 > Rahul
 > >
 > >
 > ><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sat Mar 11, 2006 10:07 am
 > >
 > >Dear Friends,
 >  Good Morning! 
 >  From today onwards I will be entering the toughest
 > phase of my life and it would definitely have some,
 > either stronger or lighter, impact on my personal
 > life, physical health and mental peace! 
 >  I am bit nervous and scared of the repercussions
 > and still see no clue of whats gonna happen next in
 > the darkness ahead. 
 >  I am so nervous that I can not share this personal
 > thing with you all, at this point of time, and some
 > of you who know me very well, know what I am going
 > through. 
 >  I am writing this email because there is no one
 > close to me other than the group members, and I find
 > this group like my family when I am low,
 > disheartened and disappointed. 
 >  I would definitely share my experience with
 > everyone, the moment the tough part is over, but to
 > overcome this challenge I need your best wishes,
 > blessings and moral support.
 >  I would continue to lead my normal life but from
 > within I would always be worried, scared and broken.
 >  Please pray for me to your God, Allah, Bhagvan
 > everyone 
 === message truncated ===
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