
It must take a lot of courage to go through something like this and still get 
back on track. I can only say that this is a huge inspiration to other people 
who may get a raw deal of fate. 

Guys, the email was long, but please read it.

Rahul, congratulations for this new beginning. I am sure everyone here wishes 
you the very best, and if you are ready for it, I wish you a loving new 
relationship. This may sound presumptuous to you, but please keep your mind 
open about it - the past doesn't return and we still have the right to be happy 
in the future !


 --- walnut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 >   Guys, 
 >  Almost an year ago I had written the following
 > email (the one at the bottom of this mail) to our GB
 > group, and received lot of support from various
 > members... My heartful of thanks to all those
 > members who wished me Good Luck! Their prayers have
 > been heard and today I am free with all my tensions
 > , worries whatever u call it....
 > ............................................................

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