I thought this was VERy interesting.  You don't have to read it all 
to get the idea.

Gay love, the Bishop and the Bible bashers
Wednesday 18 April, 2007 13:25

This week, the Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams ruffled the
stuffy feathers of conservatives when he agreed to meet with liberal
Episcopalian bishops later this year.

There will be more right-wing harrumphing following an address to
theology students in Toronto in which Williams effectively snatched 
the textual crutch of the anti-gay Bible bashers.

He said conservative Christians who cite the Bible to condemn
homosexuality are misreading a key passage written by Saint Paul 
2,000 years ago. Saint Paul's Epistle to the Romans is the firebrand
favourite for justifying everything from barring gays as priests to
drowning them in boiling oil.

Many current ways of reading miss the actual direction of the 
Williams said on Monday, according to a text of his speech posted on 
Anglican Church of Canada's Web site.

"Paul is making a primary point not about homosexuality but about the
delusions of the supposedly law-abiding."

In Romans 1 v 27 that Williams referred to in Monday's lecture, Saint
Paul said people who neglected the word of God fell into sin.

"Men committed indecent acts with other men and received in themselves
the due penalty for their perversion," Paul wrote.

Williams said these lines were "for the majority of modern readers the
most important single text in Scripture on the subject of
homosexuality." Following that passage, Paul warns readers not to
condemn those who ignore God's word.

"At whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself,"
wrote Paul.

Williams pointed out that due to the fact that Paul was making the
comment as part of a wider issue, neither the gays nor their 
should overstate its importance.

"It is not helpful for a 'liberal' or revisionist case, since the 
point of Paul's rhetorical gambit is that everyone in his imagined
readership agrees in thinking the same sex relations of the culture
around them to be as obviously immoral as idol-worship or disobedience
to parents. It is not very helpful to the conservative either, though,
because Paul insists on shifting the focus away from the objects of
moral disapprobation in chapter 1 to the reading / hearing subject who
has at this point been happily identifying with Paul's castigation of
someone else ... Paul is making a primary point not about 
but about the delusions of the supposedly law- abiding. "

Coincidentally, Williams' warning to both sides of the debate comes 
as a
number of liberal churches launch a billboard campaign in Indianapolis
which challenge the fundamentalist interpretation of the Bible.

The Jesus Metropolitan Community Church, Faith In America and
Metropolitan Community Churches have combined forces to produce the
controversial boards which directs viewers to a website which explains
the thinking behind such statements as, `Jesus said some are born gay-
Matthew 19:10-12'.

Pastor Jeff Miner of Jesus Metropolitan Community Church said: "Right
now, most people think this is a debate between people who love the
Bible – conservative Christians – and people who want to throw out the
Bible – godless homosexuals. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Our Church welcomes hundreds of devout gay Christians who love the 
deeply. Our goal is to rescue the Bible from misinterpretations driven
by cultural prejudice, so its true message of grace, hope, and peace 
come through."

Obviously, the debate will continue to rage with no peaceful end in
sight. Many observers view the arguments as ultimately quite pointless
as it's impossible to escape from the fact that the rows are inspired 
a 2,000 year old document, written in very hazy language which has 
translated and re-interpreted by many people with differing agendas. 
many, finding concrete meaning in the Bible is like the blind man, in 
dark room, looking for a black cat, that isn't there.

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